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ipod and samsung


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what are you guys opinion on these 2? as far as i know the samsung could take on any file, you could upload photos and any types of file in that thing. the ipod is limited in that option, but it has a little more features in it. i could finance for 6 months no interest, those who already has an ipod le tme know how you like them... is it true that you can only upload music into the ipod if it's itune and no other music file?


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ipod all the way.

they also make a photo version, if that's your thing (although, you utilize the ipod as an external hard drive when it's docked on your computer and drag and drop anything you want into it). as far as file types that the ipod is capable of reading, AAC (16 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Music Store), MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, and 4), Apple Lossless (no quality lost when importing cd), WAV, and AIFF...and as far as i know, that's more than any other media player.

hope that helps.


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It's not just a fashion thing. The iPod really is as good as everyone says. It does exactly what it's supposed to do (store and play lots of music) extremely well. With a good set of headphones the sound quality is excellent and the user interface is close to perfection. I wouldn't want to have to navigate thousands of music files on anything else. Having to sync via iTunes should only be a problem if you don't like using well designed free software to organize your music (and there are other options available if you do prefer to use WinAmp or similar).

The only commonly used audio file types the iPod doesn't support are Ogg Vorbis, Atrac and WMV. No casual user is going to give a shit about Ogg, and nobody with any sense cares about the other two.

Edited by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Mar 29, 2005 at 10:21 PM

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to me it seems the ipod is a better deal since it has so many features. the software to convert other types of music file is included with the ipod when you buy it though right? has any of you have problem with it? thanks for the input...guys


Edited by justaname on Mar 29, 2005 at 10:26 PM

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iTunes comes on a software CD in the iPod box and will handle any type of music file that can be played on the iPod. It will convert wav and aif files and rip audio CDs. If you've already ripped a bunch of CDs into WMV using Windows Media Player you may have to re-rip them using iTunes to get the music into a format that iTunes and the iPod can use.

Once you have iTunes up and running and your music organized in the 'iTunes Library' (if you have mp3s on your computer already it'll do this automatically the first time you start it) you just plug in the iPod and all the music is copied over. I recommend trying iTunes out beforehand so you can get rid of any lasting doubts you may have about it. It really is a well designed piece of software. If you have a Mac it'll already be on there and you can download the Windows version using the link below. Not sure if there's a port of any kind available for Linux, but if you're using any kind of *nix you'll probably be able to find something through the usual sources.

The only complaint I've seen people make about iTunes is that it forces you to store music in a folder hierarchy based on the artist name and album title. I don't see this as an issue myself, as it lends itself to much easier organization when your music collection is over a couple of gigs in size.


Edited by Yakboy Equals Nurturer on Mar 29, 2005 at 10:50 PM

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i love my ipod... except for the battery life. and now if you want to replace it, you need to go to the apple shop and pay $$$ to get it done.

not sure if this has been improved, but my 2nd gen 20GB can only go for a few hours before requiring a re-charge.

strange highs and strange lows

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Apple has a program for this issue (or at least they did a couple months ago).

If you're IPod won't hold a decent charge, then there's a form you can download from apple.com; send in the filled out form and your IPod, and for $100, they'll replace your old IPod with a brand new comparable model. Not a perfect solution, but cheaper than buying new.

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Actually there is a minor software mod you can do to get your iPOD to play OGG files. Supposivly they sound better and take less space, but I don't think my MP3s need to take another quality hit through converters.

The iPODs are great, but the earbuds suck. Anyways, I don't know why so many people rave about what a rip off they are, it seems more resonable to pay $250 (student discount, but they don't even ask for ID) for 20GB and an awsome navigation system, than to pay $100 for .512GB (512mb) and a tiny little LCD screen and horrible little buttons.

I don't see why any one buys anthing else.

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