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Narita, Japan?


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My girlfriend will be going to Japan in a few weeks. she will only be getting one day to go shopping, and will be in Narita. It looks like there is a mall there, but I was wondering if there would be any stores carrying some good quality denim. If anyone if familiar with this city and could help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Here's a link to the mall's webpage: http://www.117narita.com/guide/shop_guide_g01.jsp

If you know of any other places she should try to check out, that would be great too.


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My girlfriend will be going to Japan in a few weeks. she will only be getting one day to go shopping, and will be in Narita. It looks like there is a mall there, but I was wondering if there would be any stores carrying some good quality denim. If anyone if familiar with this city and could help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Here's a link to the mall's webpage: http://www.117narita.com/guide/shop_guide_g01.jsp

If you know of any other places she should try to check out, that would be great too.


There is nothing in Narita. It's out in the middle of rural Chiba, hence its always a bitch to get to Tokyo. If she has half a day and knows her way around the train system, I'd recommend she go to Ueno. It'll take 1 hour and a half though...

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Thanks for the quick replies. This is going to be her first time in Japan and does not know the train system at all, so I don't think any long trips are really an option. I guess I won't get her to look for any jeans for me. It looks like theres some pretty interesting temples and things, so maybe I'll just tell her to see the sights instead as she will only have one day for shopping/being a tourist.

Thanks again for your help.

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How much time is she looking at having, from touchdown to takeoff? If she has time to disembark, and go out into Narita, going all the way to Ueno would only add 45 minutes to each side of the train trip over going to Narita the town.

I probably wouldn't bother leaving the airport if I had less than 6-8 hrs, and even then, that's only really enough time to properly leave the airport, get into Tokyo to eat something decent, and then hop right back on the train.

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How much time is she looking at having, from touchdown to takeoff? If she has time to disembark, and go out into Narita, going all the way to Ueno would only add 45 minutes to each side of the train trip over going to Narita the town.

I probably wouldn't bother leaving the airport if I had less than 6-8 hrs, and even then, that's only really enough time to properly leave the airport, get into Tokyo to eat something decent, and then hop right back on the train.

She will be getting in at night, then sleeping in the town, and flying out at 7 PM the following day. I really don't think a trip to Tokyo is reasonable, considering her lack of expirience within Japan. I'll mention Ueno to her though. That seems like an alright distance from Narita to travel in a day. Thanks again..

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She will be getting in at night, then sleeping in the town, and flying out at 7 PM the following day. I really don't think a trip to Tokyo is reasonable, considering her lack of expirience within Japan. I'll mention Ueno to her though. That seems like an alright distance from Narita to travel in a day. Thanks again..

dude. all you have to do is get on the airport express train which is in the airport. i remember there being an express keizo (i've forgotten the train names now, starts with a k) that passes/stops in ueno. a million people do it everyday without any experience... unless she is TOTALLY clueless about getting around anywhere on any type of public transportation... she has a whole night/day and she has to get out of the airport anyway. she should just stay in the hostel at ueno and then spend the day going around tokyo and catch an express train from somewhere in the city back to the airport.

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dude. all you have to do is get on the airport express train which is in the airport. i remember there being an express keizo (i've forgotten the train names now, starts with a k) that passes/stops in ueno. a million people do it everyday without any experience... unless she is TOTALLY clueless about getting around anywhere on any type of public transportation... she has a whole night/day and she has to get out of the airport anyway. she should just stay in the hostel at ueno and then spend the day going around tokyo and catch an express train from somewhere in the city back to the airport.

Maybe I should clarify a bit. She will be in Japan for 24 days. 23 of which will be spent training with various pro volleyball teams and travelling to various cities around Tokyo (for training), and one for doing whatever she would like (until 7 PM). It isn't really a pleasure trip for her. Since she is with a team, they are supposed to go places together and stay in hotels provided to them. She will get to the town of Narita on her last night there, and spend the following day shopping and seeing the town. Unfortunately she can't just leave and go to Tokyo. I realize the shopping and sights of Tokyo would be much better than Narita, but it's not really an option.

All the info you guys have given has been great. It will let her make much better use of her time. thanks..

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i don't think you realize that tokyo is 1hr away from narita, and trains start running at around 5am. but whatever we tried.

I do realize that. The first reply told me it was an hour away. I'm not sure if i'm getting you right, but it seems like you think I'm ungreatful for the help. I really do appreciate your input, and I say Tokyo is not an option only because of what my girlfriend has told me. If it were a trip just for the sake of being a tourist it would be a much different story. They aren't allowed to stray too far from the team.

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