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new in4mants tees.


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i stole your benz: your observations are strong,and their yours.

both neighborhood and hectic have rather strong images/scenes that they are apart of,and you just dont see it,from looking online etc etc.

i am not dick riding them whatsoever,but your way off the mark here,and you didnt tear anyones ass or whatever you said,except i do think you have made yourself look really stupid and uneducated about which you speak of..

neighborhood are just a bunch of guys who are into motorcycles,and the lifestyle of bike gangs,and brotherhood,something i am certian you are well versed in.

They didnt start recently,they have been making the same thing for themselves and their crew for a long long time,way before selling anything...

and over the years,they have stayed rather true to their lifestyles,thru graphics,and what they actually wear.

Your totally wrong about neighborhood,but you have the right to your opnions,and i am not knocking you for speaking your mind.

realmadHECTIC on the other hand is esentially the same way,and i dont really think you even know what they are all about,except maybe u have seen the NB's they've done or an ocassionaly teeshirt that makes its way onto the net,or possibly visiting the shop,you cant possibly make such a sweeping generalization on a brand by looking at a few pieces,you should base your opinions on a group of seasons of theirs together-each season has a theme,as does neighborhood,and each season they try to maintain the image of the brand,and also incorporate other things they are into,into the lines they create.-again,my opinion

maybe you do understand,and maybe you dont,but i totally appreciate you answering the questions i asked.

Its awesome we have the ability to talk about things like this here,even if you are a completely uneducated,mtv cloned,ebay,whatever pharrell says,dunk line waiting trucker hat blazer wearing punk pin dick riding cocksmoker,it just dosent matter...we all can feel free to speak our minds and share opinions here...its really amazing.

I thank you again for sharing your opinions,and summing up to alot of people,exactly the type of person we all strive to avoid.

of course,thats just my opinion.

Its better to not say anything and appear to be the fool,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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I called the shop and one of the guys said it wont be up yet till they get all of there shirts for the season but he said you can make a phone order if I wanted. I told him I'll just come in and take a look at it, I live here for god sakes!


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Neighborhood tries to be an american streetwear label, uses cliche hip hop design elements. Their T-shirts are like the Gap - just thier name "neighborhood" or "NBHD" in different fonts.

--- Original message by I STOLE YOUR BENZ on Mar 29, 2005 06:05 PM

HAHAHAHAHA! "NBHD uses cliched hip hop design elements"??" - couldn't be further from the truth. Showcase beat me to it but see his post. Gee you'd think if Shinsuke and his crew were b-boys they'd get around in something else 'sides skinny jeans and george coxs!

-In real life I'm much more distinguished, I'm like a bloke from London, England-

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