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HELP Me Figure Out What To Do For My GF's 21st B-Day!


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While by girlfriend will be 21 and can do whatever she pleases now, especially

if she flashes a bit of her prodigious cleavage, I and a few of her friends are still



any decent 18+ parties parties happening in NYC on Nov. 11th?

One Criteria:

Whatever the place, has to be the kind of place a trendy/indie/hipster sort

of girl would enjoy.

Someone help so I can get some that night!

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Yeah, how about splurging on an expensive bottle of something (although I can't recommend one,) hanging out with peeps, making sure they all buy her something, heh.

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Damn...I feel you, I was once in that position, but even 3.5 years ago, it was easier to find spots that served underage patrons on the D low. "decent", and "18+ party" don't seem to fit in the same sentance anymore. Only 18plus joints I hear about these days are at spots with names like "rapture" and "piscina" in queens, where the dj's spin hip hop and R&B to lil highschoolers on "teen nights!" and shit of that nature.

Here's how I suggest you ball out on wifey's special day:

-Call a place called "ibop", it's a Korean Karaoke joint in the 30's, tell em you need a medium sized room for a "gathering" As far as I know, they don't really ID unless ya'll look like a gang of 17 yr. olds.

-The day before, have one of the homies who's of age buy a few bottles of your girl's favorite beverage makings, plus some Hennessey (just so it feels like a birthday). Maybe a few sacks of the green or the white if she likes that...

- Then...decide who your girl really gives a fuck about, and invite them, with ample notice to a spot where you can eat good food, because fuck the dumb shit..a birthday aint a birthday without good eats.

- Have a good friend of yours (again, of age) bring all the booze to the spot an hour before you guys arrive.

-Roll up deep, go to your room, and spend the next however many hours you like getting wasted, stoned, high, and whatever else you want. If it turns into an orgy, cool. It's a private room. They provide ice, silverware, and I think even cups.

- Open presents, bust out some ill porno cake from Masturbakers...and voila...it's an amazing birthday....Then you will take her home, and she will let you do whatever you want. Shit I even got head in the cab from mine when I did this years back..


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