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how long does it take you to get ready to go in the morning?


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30 min to an hour...turn off the alarm, put mtv or the news on, empty my bowels (with the door open so i can hear the tv), shower, deodorant/moisturiser, choose what to wear and do my hair and im out!

Just out of interest how often do y'all shower?? Even if i shower in the evening I have to shower in the morning...dont feel comfortable getting changed without one

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3 to 3.5 hours.

6:30 or 6:45- Isla comes in and wakes me and momma up to read, talk or wrestle

7:00 - Radio news turns on (NPR)

7:15 or 7:30 - momma gets tired of me and Isla keeping her from sleeping, kicks us out of bed and we go downstairs. Isla has some juice and I have an Emergen-C (Tangerine w/ Glucosamine and Condroitin). Isla plays while I do 150 pushups, 120 crunches on a stabilizer ball and as many leg raises as I can manage (usually 110 per leg). I make breakfast- toast w/PB & honey for Isla, 6 shot latte and an english muffin with rasberry jam for me. Isla and I read the paper- she loves the sports section.

8:00 - Crap

8:15 or so - I put Isla in the tub, check my e-mail and PMs. Momma begins to wake up.

8:45 - Get Isla out of the tub, come her hair and get her dressed.

9:00 - Brush teeth and get in the shower. Isla brushes her teeth.

9:15 - Get dressed while explaining to a showering momma that if she got up earlier she could have some hot water too. Take WAYWT pics if possible.

9:30 - Upload pics, get Isla and momma ready to go.

9:45 - Momma leaves for work and Gramma & Grampa pic up Isla.

10:00 - Walk to work.

10:15 - Arrive at work and hook people up with the coolest clothes in town.

Interesting topic- Especially the showering part.

Even people who claim to be the furthest thing from "routine people" (what I am, obviously) if pressed to do so, can tell you exactly the order in which they wash themselves in the shower. If you haven't considered it before, try it; I bet you shower the same way every time.


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I go to work later than most, so I usually wake up and still have like 2 or 3 hours to kill, it's pretty brutal sometimes. I wake up, grab a cigarette, have to go turn off my 2 extra safety alarms, and then sit and cruise the internet and eat something I don't have to cook (fruit, cereal, or a bread roll or something) for anywhere between 30 mns-2 hrs. I hop in the shower for about 10 mins, come out and sit and check the internet a lil more while naked, and then I go dress, go back and dry my hair completely and put sunblock/moisturize so I don't dry up, and then I'm ready and still have time to kill usually. Actual prep time is about 10-15 minutes though.

I agree with Fade that if you have to sit around picking out clothes for more than a few minutes, you probably have too many clothes (that don't work together), or you're not pulling off a solid look in the first place, at least for guys. I used to work where I had to wear a suit and tie daily, but that really only took about a minute or two to pick out combinations too, as it's all the same stuff in different colors.

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About 2 hours, in which I manage to have a cup of tea, maybe some breakfast, watch at least an hour of daytime television in bed and then spend 15 minutes at the very end running around washing and getting dressed. Morning outfits for uni are generally the first shirt, sweater and jeans that fall into an acceptable combination. I'm a lazy shit like that.

Bathing is an evening routine, and a couple of times a week I'll take the time to attack my hair with shampoo and straighteners, generally when I'm going out in the evening.

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in my 1st year of university (freshman?) my halls of residence was right next to the lecture theatre, literally the building next to it and sharing a wall.

for a 9am lecture, up at 8.54 still in jeans and a tshirt.

grab a hat, chewing gum, keys and phone


and out the door.

be in the lecture before 9.01

now, 6.55 wake up.

shit shower shave

dress and im out the door by 7.30

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about an hour if I bother to shower/wash my hair.

get up after tentofifteen minutes of being prodded by spike (i hate getting up)

get washed/showered, brush my teeth (twenty minutes)

spend about twenty minutes deciding what to wear for the day.

blowdry my hair, spend ten minutes arguing with it, give up and tie it back.

ten minutes applying black eye makeup

grab my bag, pray i have everything i need, leave the flat

I have to get up two hours before my lecture starts to make it in on time.

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wake up at 7:45, hit snooze on both alarm clocks for another 15 minutes while radio alarm switches on to cbc radio, brush teeth, contacts, moisturize, extreme frustration while picking what to wear, get dressed, make up/hair, pack bag, pills (glucosamine, vitamin c and supplements), breakfast, get the bike, check the mirror to make sure i haven't done anything horrible to my appearance, out the door at 8:30.

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Interesting topic- Especially the showering part.

Even people who claim to be the furthest thing from "routine people" (what I am, obviously) if pressed to do so, can tell you exactly the order in which they wash themselves in the shower. If you haven't considered it before, try it; I bet you shower the same way every time.


i have noticed this before and yes almost always exactly the same

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on the days i dont have class i get up around 9:30-10:00. drag myself outta bed and to the bathroom to wash my face off. turn my computer on and such, grab food and eat while checking my email, superfuture and other crap, and then get dressed fork work in time to leave by 10:40, but im usually a few minutes late.

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hmm. on work days, monday thru wednesday,

wake up at 7, lay in bed til 7.15

shower til 7.25.

put on underwear and socks,

eat breakfast

watch weather report: 7.35

get dressed and grab

all the shit i'll need that day: 7.45

out the door at 7.50.

the rest of the week is routineless for me.

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between 4 minutes and a couple hours depending if i have somewhere to go or not. last year, i started school at 9 3 days a week and always went to sleep real late, so i set my alarm at 8, snooze till 8:45, get dress, leave at 8:50, buy something to eat at the combini on the way to school, get to school 5 min late, most of the time, some friends were late as well so we had a cigarette before hitting class. i think i was on time maybe 5 times during the whole year, my teacher go so tired(and felt bad cause she had to lower my marks) that was mailling me to make sure i would go to class... i have a punctuality problem

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