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worst insult youve ever taken.


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Most recent. My friends EX-wife (thank god) told me I should get a real job....because no girl will settle down, get married to me status quo. She really thought I was a bum.

Past. Art teacher at high school told me straight up. "you can't paint can you".

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At a predominantly east coast house party at a midwestern univ, some short ass jewish kid saw me and whispered to his short jewish buddy "well, at least I am not Asian, that must be the worst thing in the world"

I've taken worse direct insults, but that one kinda hit me hard for some reason - I know I should've decked the bitch, but I let it slide and ignored it.

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Ha haha.

I was sad when I pulled down my pants and my ex-girlfriend started laughing so hard she spit water all over my junk........actually, part of that story is untrue.

........it was juice, not water.

you thought you were gonna get some and you were clearly wrong?ahah

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came out of a bar pretty fuckd up, saw a friend said hi... then some bitch friend of hers goes "who was that ugly fuck?".. wasnt sure if thats what she really said, but thats what i thought i heard.. i have to admit i was looking mad sloppy but fuck she could have sucked my dick standing up and im 6'1.. bitch

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lol i've been called gay on may an occasion in hs. really didn't do anything to get people to insult me in elementary/middle school. but when hs came around and i cared about how i looked...the general consensus was that i was a homo. that coupled with the fact that my hair is naturally straight and was long at the time(kids said i straightened my hair) made it a funny year of rumors. :P

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a lot of you you guys used to be fat .

I've never been seriously called fat. Probably becase I am skinny

its the nature of this thread thats bringing about all the former fatties.

im pretty sure the collective weight of superfuture is less than that of a small elephant.

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this wasn't intentional but i was pretty insulted by it. when i just got my first pair of raw jeans (levis 517) i was telling my friend about raw denim and he said, "oh, so that's why they're that goofy color?" and i had to restrain myself a little bit. in retrospect, maybe they were a little bit of a weird color but i always have strange sense of pride in my jeans, even if they are cheap levis.

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a lot of you you guys used to be fat .

I've never been seriously called fat. Probably becase I am skinny

ah that reminds me, i've never been fat either, in fact a stranger tried to do mia/ana intervention w/ me--lol... compliment or insult? i'unno.

anyway, some bitch sales rep after overhearing the dude who was helping me compliment my lower half (i was trying on jeans) says in a not too hushed voice that i was fat and that my thighs were "huge". When I got out of the dressing room I lol'd in her face for being as fucking ugly on the outside as she was vindictive.

hmm, and just thinking about it--i think the worst shit i got in grade and highschool was about being flat-chested.

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i was once told i constantly talk out of my ass by a guy i was dating at the time. i was always his shoulder to cry on and listened to his incessant stream of narcissitic insane bullshit. after he said that, i broke up with him, and he went on a three week bender.

fuck him.

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in high school I was really self conscious about my really dark under eye circles. Sometimes i didn't have time to put concealer on in the morning and this asshole would always ask me if I did heroin or if I got enough sleep, or if someone hit me and gave me a black eye.

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in high school I was really self conscious about my really dark under eye circles. Sometimes i didn't have time to put concealer on in the morning and this asshole would always ask me if I did heroin or if I got enough sleep, or if someone hit me and gave me a black eye.

He probably figured the only way to get this chick is if she's high

I bet he was just waiting for that day when you'd say yes

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probably isnt the worst insult, but its the only one i can remember right now.

i did pretty damn well on my math exam, and i went to get my results from the teacher. after telling me my score, she goes "its...hm...better than what i expected".

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this wasn't intentional but i was pretty insulted by it. when i just got my first pair of raw jeans (levis 517) i was telling my friend about raw denim and he said, "oh, so that's why they're that goofy color?" and i had to restrain myself a little bit. in retrospect, maybe they were a little bit of a weird color but i always have strange sense of pride in my jeans, even if they are cheap levis.

you are totally taking the piss

try harder next time

anyway, i can't remember any one specific dis that really hurt; more like a steady pattern from my youth through my adolescence

i had thick-ass glasses from second through sixth grade

i got really chubby before my growth spurt

i had a crazy white guy fro going on

my dad ain't 'murican, so i didn't grow up playing 'murican sports and sucked at them (although i can now fake it in midlevel pick-up hoops)

plus i was always the tallest kid, so everyone busted on me b/c they feared and resented anyone who was taller

that shit adds up over time

as a result, i can't get it up unless the lights are out and she's blindfolded and facing downwards

haha! j/k

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probably isnt the worst insult, but its the only one i can remember right now.

i did pretty damn well on my math exam, and i went to get my results from the teacher. after telling me my score, she goes "its...hm...better than what i expected".

In 6th grade I was just hanging with my friends until school was over in class. The teacher tried to up herself and in front of the whole class asked me why I was goofing off when I could be doing something more productive, like hw.

Just because she wants to show herself as a bad ass to the other students...that would throw paper airplanes at her and rocks out the window.

I told her I finished and she didn't believe me. Wouldn't let me be until I got out my hw and she used a calculator to correct it.


I got 100%

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When I was in Gr. 6 one of my best friend's brother's was in gr 9, a racist redneck fat ass. He always used to call me "paki", "shit stained", he always made jokes about me being brown and too skinny like, "were you not fed in africa, now you pakis come here and start eating all our beef, and giving our fucking cows diseases". What a bitch.

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