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worst jobs you've had


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  Eason said:
no doubt working sales at a banana republic one christmas when I needed cash. fuck that shit, it was just 2 weeks BUT IT WAS 2 WEEKS OF HORROR

horror is a euphamism. retail during Christmas is nuts. i was a supervisor at Vans, which really wasn't my worse job (in fact, it was probably my favorite) but people/customers are just so pissed off during the holiday season, which is ironic i think.

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  JohnnyLaw said:
I worked at a tourist information office for two summers. I can't stand tourists now.

tourists are idiots, why the fuck are you stopping and standing in the middle of the stairs in the subway station? move the fuck out!

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Working in an 'Irish bar' run by a group of arrogant turkish cunts. They could bearly speak english and they employed 2 of their son's to work. They would literally do nothing and when the bar closed and it was time for us to clean up, you couldn't find them anymore. Got extremely bad paid and even worse tips. Looking back, i'm glad I used to take 50's from the cash register every shift

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  • 1 year later...

I worked at a chemical plant in a bad neighborhood in Detroit when I was 17. My father is the plant super and had me filling bottles, buckets and totes with either household cleaners or caustics. Chemical burns were frequent and I would nap on lunch. 8 - 4:30 M - F for $7 an hour under the table.

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Scientific assistant in college. Had to go to the slaughterhouse once every two weeks to collect material for a lab that worked on steroids.

I got white rubber fisherman's boots, a chain glove and a bucket and the next hour I was standing knee deep in still warm slaughterhouse refuse, collecting bulls balls.

Pay was great, though, and rest of the job was pretty interesting, so no real complaints.

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Two come immediately to mind.

The first wasn't too bad really, it was just ridiculously boring; I had to walk around delivering flyers door to door. I'd usually just put my Ipod on to alleviate the boredom, and the pay wasn't bad, but it was a bit shitty when the weather was bad/I couldn't be arsed to walk around for extended periods of time.

The worst however, by far, was working at an absolutely dive of a small town nightclub in the summer just before I went to university. This nightclub was the only place in town open after 1am, and only one of two places open after 11pm, so inevitably everyone would cram themselves in there at the end of the night so it would be packed out. I worked as one of the floor staff along with two or three other guys; our basic duties were glass collecting, restocking the bar, and cleaning. The cleaning was obviously the worst bit. In the main area of the club you'd have to clean up broken glasses and vomit, a task made substantially more difficult by the fact that you're working in near darkness, surrounded by drunk people constantly walking over what you're trying to clean (whether it be glass or vomit) and spreading around.

However, the nuisance/grossness of cleaning that area paled into insignificance when compared to cleaning the toilets. The cubicles were a veritable smorgasbord of bodily fluid: piss, shit, blood, vomit, semen, you name it. It was disgusting. To add insult to injury, it only paid £5 per hour and our only perk was that we were allowed one (ONE!) free drink at the end of the night after the final clean up.

There were a few plus points, but they were few and far between. The guys I worked with were cool to hang out with, which made shifts far more bearable. On the occasion that the bird who worked the cloakroom didn't show up one of us got to work it, which, although not without its annoyances, was definitely cushy by comparison. Also, shifts didn't start until 10pm so I go for a drink or two beforehand.

Other than that, it was a massively shitty job.

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  • 2 months later...

I have too much pride to let myself work a truly terrible job, but I've never had a great job either. Here is some of my experiences:

My first real job was working for my dad's moving company as a mover. The pay, though less than they would pay anyone else, was crazy for 16 year old me, and I ended up making $3500 in 5 weeks during the summer, which was a fortune to me at the time. Blew it by October. Anyway, it was incredibly tiring work, with long hours and early mornings. Plus most of the other coworkers really resented me for being an under-qualified high school kid but couldn't explicitly show it because of my privilege. This just made it weirder. In addition, they would listen to the same Toronto classic rock station everyday, and I quickly learned how repetitive their programing is. For that reason, I can't stand certain AC/DC, Pink Floyd, and Queen songs to this day (as if they weren't overplayed already, they one play one song by each of these artists per day).

My next job was to work for the Canadian census, going door to door to collect censuses from people who hadn't responded. My boss was the super jaded guy who would tell anyone who listened about how he got framed for plagiarism by his thesis adviser twenty years ago. He would freak out on me if I didn't get enough of quota for the day. There were good points: I worked in the sketchy down-town area of Hamilton, and got to explore the insides of seemingly derelict apartment buildings. I would just listen to my ipod as I walked around. Met some crazy characters, like the guy whose roommate had been shot in the head the week before and was on shrooms when I interviewed him. There was the multiple crazies who believed I was an agent from the government trying to track them. There was the steel worker who I smoked a jay with. If I hadn't been smoking so much weed at the time, I would've probably realized how easy it would've been to scam that job, but oh well.

Lately, I've worked as a bus boy at many Toronto restaurants. First was Thuet, whose wife is one of the biggest bitches I've ever met. Got to eat amazing food though. Worked briefly at this chain restaurant called Frisco's brasserie; they overstaffed so no one made any money. I was the single food runner there, and I made more per hour than the servers did. They had tons of company bullshit. Quit to go to Asia.

Worked at a Kosher restaurant this summer. Pay was terrible and the manager was a closet homosexual who hated me because of it (I'm not gay, but I think I made him feel confused). The food was terrible and they played the same terrible smooth jazz in the same order every fucking night. It drove me insane. The only perks were these two girls that worked there, one who was very hot, and one who very funny and the policy of selling us $2.50 drinks on Thursdays after work.

I hope the bus boy job I have now is my last shitty job but it probably won't be.

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  • 1 month later...

I really wanted to work outdoors this past summer because I had never before and thought it would be a cool experience. I applied to a landscaping company thinking it was residential landscaping.

I showed up on the job the first day and found out I was working for a dude from El Salvador that was contracted by the city of Hamilton to cut the grass in all the wards around town the city didn't want to touch with their workers. I worked with my boss and two other guys that had recently been released from prison and would argue about which cells had the best view, what prison food was best, etc. One of them had a baby due in a few weeks. Keep in mind we made $10/hour.

Basically, because I didn't have the experience to ride the sit mower I marched along using an industrial weedwhacker 8 hours a day. If anyone knows the streets of Hamilton, they know it isn't the best place to be cutting grass. A typical day would be walking upwards of 10km, weedwacking in ditches, extremely steep hills, traintracks etc. Often the weedwhacker would spit up rocks, dogshit, dead animals, used condoms, rotting food, and even human feces (no joke) all over your clothes, face, and if you're lucky, your mouth. Getting hit with a bunch of rocks all day isn't quite painful, but it's fucking annoying. On my second day, I was even fortunate enough to come across (and nearly hit with my whacker) a pile of used needles that junkies had tossed in a ditch.

Sometimes one of the ex-prison dudes wouldn't show up to work, so he got canned. Eventually we hired a 14 year old kid named Alfonzo to work with us (our bosses nephew). I had a week of experience and was expected to train this kid. Later, the guy with the baby on the way who had worked seasons before, freaked out and quit too, so we had to hire another new employee.

Our machines would frequently break, so we'd have to tie ropes around the sit mowers and drag them onto the bed of the truck, sometimes they'd roll back down into us and we'd have to dive out of the way cause they're about 600 lbs.

When we weren't racing around trying to "hit" as many spots as we could, or getting harassed by hookers and junkies, we would do personal favours for my boss, like washing his car or pruning huge, prickly, rose plants. At one point, we spent 2 days collecting mortar from piles of rubble that used to be a school. Each mortar was about 50 lbs, we probably loaded 400 in the bed of the truck. I remember blowing my nose with nothing but black coming out due to the dust and dirt in the air. Certain spots we cut we'd have to collect the grass, and sometimes it would sit in bags in the sun in the bed of the truck for weeks, transforming into this absolutely foul smelling goo that we had to take to the dump. The condensation from the grass would cause the bags to rip and spill all over you when you were taking them out, and you'd smell like 200 used diapers for the rest of the day.

Those are just a few of the experiences I can remember from this particular job. Although it was shitty (no pun), I learned alot about being a fucking man and I was tanned as shit by summers end.

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  • 4 weeks later...

working my first restaurant job (culinary major), I ended up in an absolute shithole of a job. it was in a historic building and though the dining room and shit had beautiful decor and everything appeared to be in otherwise great shape - the kitchen and basement/stockroom were in absolute disrepair. it's a wonder we managed to put out great, visually appealing food considering we had a walk in cooler with a broken seal (food can spoil quick) and a vent/hood system that couldn't have been passed for inspection. two things that stand out in mind; after our first big snow for that winter, it all started to melt and seeped into the basement. We have a jerri rigged pump down there in case any standing water accumulates but I guess it had frozen solid because after going downstairs to check stock I realized I was nearly knee deep in standing water. i also remember a time when we went into the owners office to grab something and a raccoon had managed to bust in through an air duct. it was sitting ontop of the open safe and had managed to throw about a grand in various bills all around the room. the cieling and walls were covered in paw prints and he had managed to chew apart some wiring. when we got up there he just sat in this pile of money and we stared at each other before he bound off into the vent.

but despite all of this I still worked with a lot of awesome people and managed to get a lot of work related experience. even learned how to do quick repairs and pest control/small game hunting.

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i used to donate plasma twice a week.

first donation: = $20

second donation: = $25

you pretty much sit in a room full of hospital beds and are hooked up to a machine. for the next 45 minutes you pump your hand when it's drawing and relax when the machine is putting back the plasma free blood. if you faint they give you crackers and have you continue the process.

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1st shitty job- i worked for the "As Seen on TV Store" on Cannery Row for 2 weeks. My female co-worker's fiance would be so jealous he'd come in EVERY DAY just to proverbially piss on his womens leg. Chick was ugly.

2nd- right out of college i got a job as a headhunter. Showed up to one day of work and didnt go back in the next day.

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I worked for about a year at my local pizza place. I stood behind a counter burning myself and being yelled at by the greasiest people you've ever seen who constantly gave me shit for not being Italian. Getting paid dollars less than minimum wage and dealing with asshole customers who fight each other over a chance to grunt their orders at me sucked, but the Mexican guys who made the cheesesteaks were cool. I stuck it out until I got my drivers license, promptly told them to fuck off and started delivering Chinese food, which was actually good money, quite pleasant, and perhaps even fun in comparison.

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  stayhandsome said:
i used to donate plasma twice a week.

first donation: = $20

second donation: = $25

you pretty much sit in a room full of hospital beds and are hooked up to a machine. for the next 45 minutes you pump your hand when it's drawing and relax when the machine is putting back the plasma free blood. if you faint they give you crackers and have you continue the process.

you donate but they pay you??

you're hustlin your plasma son

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the place was in ypsilanti right off michigan ave and was called a donation center which i always thought was funny since it was next door to a liquor lotto and the money made by most people who sold was spent there.

i was clean at the time but always wondered if you feel the booze better after being drained of your plasma? i always heard you made double selling up in lansing but that might be local crackhead folk lore.

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worked at a dining hall at my school. 2 back to back shifts. First shift I wiped down tables and put away people's crap that they leave. My next shift was in the wash room washing all of their crap that I just picked up... 8 hours of that

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  stayhandsome said:
i used to donate plasma twice a week.

first donation: = $20

second donation: = $25

you pretty much sit in a room full of hospital beds and are hooked up to a machine. for the next 45 minutes you pump your hand when it's drawing and relax when the machine is putting back the plasma free blood. if you faint they give you crackers and have you continue the process.

i need to start doing this again. so easy and you get a sweet needle hole on your arm which you can use to tell people you're a heroin addict

and there was a couple months were donating plasma was enough to pay most of my rent (the amount you get per donation varies with the demand for plasma)

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Guest forest

worst job was working at journeys at the mall fuckin sucks ass big time dumb ass co workers and people that come in dont even know their own shoe size haha and they are grown ass men and women. tryin on like 20 pairs at a time.

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UPS that was for about two days..They work you like a slave lifting the heaviest shit on earth and forming "The Wall" inside the trucks. And there's some asshole standing behind you telling you you're doing it all wrong and to move faster. They then procede to grade you on your speed and perfomance and try to find ways to improve it. No Thanks... I realized that grunt work is something I'm not cut out for.

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  stayhandsome said:
the place was in ypsilanti right off michigan ave and was called a donation center which i always thought was funny since it was next door to a liquor lotto and the money made by most people who sold was spent there.

i was clean at the time but always wondered if you feel the booze better after being drained of your plasma? i always heard you made double selling up in lansing but that might be local crackhead folk lore.

i use to donate plasma, then go for a run, then drink.

would get wasted soooo fast and pass out by eight o' clock

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  DÃœM said:
I had a job at Fed Ex exactly like that except for the dude standing behind you. It was an awesome easy job. I'm also really good at building walls with boxes now.

Such an amazing quality that goes unnoticed in our society... And what the Hell were you shipping that was so light??? I used to swear that there were car parts or bricks in every damn package.

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