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Lightweight jacket--casual but not too casual...


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I live in Los Angeles, where even the upcoming fall and "winter" seasons don't normally require much when it comes to outerwear.

I have found that lightweight jackets can come in handy when it comes to cooler days, rainy stretches (it does happen), going out at night, etc.

What I am looking for is a lightweight coat/jacket that is casual, but not too casual. I want something that falls in between the family of windbreakers, hoodies, track suit jackets, etc. and the family of more formal and traditional blazers. Ideally, I'd like something that could work with both skateboard/athletic shoes but could also be paired with dressier shoes too.

Someone posted the link to this Japanese FOB Factory "homeless" jacket earlier as a joke, but I'm ashamed to say it actually might be pretty close to what I'm looking for--


(you have to scroll down to Sept. 7th on the right side of page)

I've also seen some stuff from Nice Collective that might work. If anyone has any suggestions for a jacket like this that might fit this genre, please post them. If you could also post links to places where I could find and buy the jacket, that would be fantastic.

I am looking for something black or charcoal in color but I'm really open to anything.

Thank you in advance for all your help and advice.

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