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Blue Blood: for our friends?


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I was wondering if anyone knew about different lines Blue Blood makes. I just snagged a couple pair that were tagged "For our friends". One retailed for over $400 and the other just under $300. The $400 pair has sewn on shiny gold buttons on the waist and fly, and was called "Deep Cut". The wash/finish on the denim is pretty incredible. The wash is extremely streaky (very hard to describe but almost worth the $400 tag) and the only thing I can liken it to is what the premium Edo Ai's from Sugarcane may look like after a lot of wear and tear. It is ringspun, not selvage denim, but it still has a very slubby feel and appearance. The other pair has a much plainer wash and is more standard, although the blue does have a greyish tinge to it. I can post pics in about a week if anyone is curious about the premium pair...

and in case anyone asks, I did do a search and not much at all came up...at least in terms of different lines from blue blood.

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there are different lines of blue blood, they have the

* Blood Line, which is their main collection

* Dry Goods- the unwashed denim, i suppose it's their raw line

* For Our Friends- stuff based off of the denim they made for close friends before forming the company

* Avelon- Tailored stuff,

* Nipper- not really sure what this one is

i believe the for our friends line is their highest quality but not sure, i'm sure someone else will clarify and fix the mistakes that i put in this post

anyways, damn you derdankhund for getting my onto this raw denim, and just denim in general, it has consumed my life and now i must know everything about it, btw im purchasing some SC Okinawas soon and those SC Rodeomans are comin in nicely, freakin sweet

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anyways, damn you derdankhund for getting my onto this raw denim, and just denim in general, it has consumed my life and now i must know everything about it, btw im purchasing some SC Okinawas soon and those SC Rodeomans are comin in nicely, freakin sweet

thanks for the response...my okinawas are almost to the stage of the first wash after a particularly grueling hike up in the appalachians in west virginia. glad to hear you're considering the okinawas...they are simply superb...

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nice, you'll have to post some pics after the wash, im tryin to get my friend who is in japan right now to get them for me but she is not responding to my emails and she comes back in a week and a half, i'll prob have to order from history preservation unless take5 can get them to me cheaper

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