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As seen in the Toronto Star


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There is nothing quite so perfect as coveralls for a truly out of this world lazy clothing day. Go commando and you have exactly 1 piece of clothing on. I used to do this in college with a pair that I got working on a seismic boat. Blaze orange with reflective stripes on the arms and legs. I always acted like I was doing some sort of style thing but really I was just too lazy to pick out clothes. Thems was the days. Now my brain is looking at the raw selvedge version and thinking that not only wouldn't I need any other clothing, but if I treated it like raw jeans I could have worn it every day for 6 months and never washed it. Now that would have been lazy college heaven right there.

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There is nothing quite so perfect as coveralls for a truly out of this world lazy clothing day. Go commando and you have exactly 1 piece of clothing on. I used to do this in college with a pair that I got working on a seismic boat. Blaze orange with reflective stripes on the arms and legs. I always acted like I was doing some sort of style thing but really I was just too lazy to pick out clothes. Thems was the days. Now my brain is looking at the raw selvedge version and thinking that not only wouldn't I need any other clothing, but if I treated it like raw jeans I could have worn it every day for 6 months and never washed it. Now that would have been lazy college heaven right there.

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Coveralls are easy, get them skin tight, leave them unbottoned with no bra, see gals can work it. But then I think it's called a catsuit.

Can't do that as a guy. Aside from the obvious reasons you have the weird sitting issue with coveralls. Unless you get them big like the guy in the picture, when you sit down the crotch pulls up and smashes the boys. Imagine safety pinning your shirt to your pants with your shirt tucked in tight, same thing. It sucks. Not saying is a whole lot more comfortable for girls but guys have historically shown less tolerance to having their parts smashed by clothing. Tight jeans may be in style for guys, but tight coveralls never will be, you can quote me on that. :)

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