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You have a vacation planned right? I thought i remember you talking about visiting a few places and asking for thoughts on each place. Those are always nice to break the rut.

I know what you mean though. You're at a pretty static point in your life. Vacations, new hobbies, throwing something weird into your routine every once in awhile (occasional nights out with new friends, finding a league sport, some mid life guys join bands or try their hand at writing). Sucks as i can't relate because even though i've felt ruttish before with a gf (of 3 years), it ain't shit compared to your situation considering i'm probably moving next year and don't know what the hell i'm doing with my life or even if i really want to teach. Exciting and depressing.

Did you ever decide where the vacation was gonna be?

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Yea, mid life crisis is kinda what i got out of it. Shit, i have no idea how i'm gonna handle that. Then again, have no clue what/where/who i'll be at 35-40. At least jawns keep you a little young

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There are so many sheltered youth group girls, here in florida, you could stay young forever. I shyed away from this one girl because i didn't want to deal with the deflowering crap. More virgins than i thought there would be

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I could probably do that at a camp or something like that, but when you're friends with the girl and you know she's gonna get weird, i dunno. I don't have the heart to mess her up like that.

maximilian- That sounds gross dude. Check your self

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I could probably do that at a camp or something like that, but when you're friends with the girl and you know she's gonna get weird, i dunno. I don't have the heart to mess her up like that.

maximilian- That sounds gross dude. Check your self

yeah probably. 3 days of car travel/tennis/fucked weather/physical activity has fucked up my immune system. I've been shotgunning Vitamin C like nobody's business.

^btw, watching dexter has amazing healing powers.

I keep meaning to watch Dexter, but I'd have to start at the beginning. Maybe over fall break (read: next weekend) I'll start. Thanks for reminding me kunky.

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What's dexter? (0)

also SUP LAB- Just sold my UF vs. LSU ticket for $115. Make dat money. I hope uf loses hard too. The air is always sweeter in gainesville when they do.

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I am drowning in fluids, which consequently, are leaking from my face...

inaya, I can relate to that post a couple pages back.

what, this?


eta - hope you feel better. i've been dying of this cold/flu all week x_x

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^best show ever. on showtime.

Damn. I don't have hbo/showtime. I might try downloading some stuff. Could use a good tv series. My attention span has been miserable lately and i haven't been able to watch movies i've wanted to so tv should work.

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I am drowning in fluids, which consequently, are leaking from my face...

Me too. Everyone but me has had this cold, so I knew it was coming. Unfortunately this came right as I was planning on cramming for a test in my invertebrate zoology class. Luckily, my roomie just got season 1 of Dexter a few days ago.

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Damn. I don't have hbo/showtime. I might try downloading some stuff. Could use a good tv series. My attention span has been miserable lately and i haven't been able to watch movies i've wanted to so tv should work.


get your stream on

shit is mad addictive

be warned

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Me too. Everyone but me has had this cold, so I knew it was coming. Unfortunately this came right as I was planning on cramming for a test in my invertebrate zoology class. Luckily, my roomie just got season 1 of Dexter a few days ago.

I was sick when I got to school, but I thought I had gotten over whatever it was, but since I've been here, I just feel as if my nose/sinus' are a constant mess and just leaking at all moments of the day. Fucking sucks. Vitamin C must not work for me anymore...

what, this?

eta - hope you feel better. i've been dying of this cold/flu all week x_x

hahaha... something like that.


feel better.

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lame. That site isn't working :( I just use surfthechannel for everything anyways.

I should watch dexter sometime. But Weeds is too addicting, so I better finish that off first. Showtime <3

im using it right now to watch gossip girl

click the thing under the video

"Click here to launch the NinjaVideo Helper Beta 0.2.4"

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I've told myself I'm going to really try and step up on my school work and midterm prep etc.. but when it comes down to it, I can't seem to read more than 20 minutes at a time without getting anxious or losing focus.

When its really imminent you probably would be able to do it already. Always happens to me.

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please just reply with something good. it can be anything. ANYTHING. just fucking anything. i am so full of hate right now. i wish somebody can figure out what the fuck is wrong with this brain of mine. please, i just need a reason for why i'm such a fucking lunatic.

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