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you'd know better than i would, because my high school doesn't have ib... one of california's lowest scoring high schools... *sigh*

there were some crazy days when trach cans in the halls would be on fire and kids pouring baby oil and dish soap on the the hall floors and the ghetto kids are all by the wall, watching passerbys slip... and the teachers sleeping with children... oh, and my sophomore chem teacher was fired because she was caught masturbating...

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you'd know better than i would, because my high school doesn't have ib... one of california's lowest scoring high schools... *sigh*

there were some crazy days when trach cans in the halls would be on fire and kids pouring baby oil and dish soap on the the hall floors and the ghetto kids are all by the wall, watching passerbys slip... and the teachers sleeping with children... oh, and my sophomore chem teacher was fired because she was caught masturbating...

soundz lyk my skool...wishi gradauted.
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oh, and my sophomore chem teacher was fired because she was caught masturbating...

this is hot. is it not? Should I trot or should you just fucking rot?....away, but definitelydon'ttouchmebecauseIjustmightbegay. (no mo) why do you want to act this way? couldn't you just fucking pay?


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I just had a (playful) AIM argument about how a girl should listen to new rave. Furious typing, though I barely know anything past klaxons and nypc, and 0 about 'old' rave. But it beats her screamo.

I honestly don't know shit about most music. I love the internet. You can very quickly feign knowledge.

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My day was shitty. Thinking about quitting my job 'cause my boss is testing my gangsta.

Yet since I got home I've grown a jack-nicholson-as-the-joker smile and I'm laughing at nothing and when something is funny I'm fucking dying. I'm pretty sure im sober....I dont get it..but I love it.

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I just had a (playful) AIM argument about how a girl should listen to new rave. Furious typing, though I barely know anything past klaxons and nypc, and 0 about 'old' rave. But it beats her screamo.

I honestly don't know shit about most music. I love the internet. You can very quickly feign knowledge.

nah screamo iz better


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I confess:

today I applied for a job at club monaco.

I confess, i work at the gap... :(:(:( I, on a regular basis, get asked more questions about my own clothes than on the crap they sell there, it's nice. Oh well, we finally have an american apparel opening in Winnipeg so im going to apply there.

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I had myself a tall cool glass of that stuff.

I confess, i work at the gap... :(:(:( I, on a regular basis, get asked more questions about my own clothes than on the crap they sell there, it's nice. Oh well, we finally have an american apparel opening in Winnipeg so im going to apply there.

Ah, I briefly considered applying at the gap, but nothing there fits me correctly! I'm actually secretly hoping I'll get the job at Club Monaco because I really do like a lot of their clothes...

American Apparel would be such a sweet place to work. Imagine owning everything they make - in every single colour - it'd be beautiful.

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Just got home and I am happy but at the same time jealous. He's going to europe for a month and he is looking into opening a restaurant-- of which I have absolutely no doubt in my mind its ability to succeed as he is one of those people

Not to mention he has a successful business now

:o I really need to stop being lazy, get off my bum and do something.

Opening a restaurant/cafe has always been one of my aspirations.

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I had myself a tall cool glass of that stuff.

Ah, I briefly considered applying at the gap, but nothing there fits me correctly! I'm actually secretly hoping I'll get the job at Club Monaco because I really do like a lot of their clothes...

American Apparel would be such a sweet place to work. Imagine owning everything they make - in every single colour - it'd be beautiful.

1000 tshirts....awesome
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Opening a restaurant/cafe has always been one of my aspirations.

I think for the past 5 years I've been wanting my own eatery, and no matter what i do, I'm just not satisfied with my job and I keep coming back to the idea of having my own place. That said, I think I'm finally going to do it now. I think I've pretty much planned out every single detail and have a really solid concept that is pretty much sure to get huge. Only thing left remaining is to just bite the bullet and go in head first.

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So my ex called me asking if I wanted to meet. I agreed, hoping to be able to end the awkwardness that currently exists between us. But when we met, she consistently drove the conversation away from us, and instead we talked about movies and galleries we had been to and shit like that. I left completely unsatisfied.

On a separate note, one of my best friends asked if it was ok that he would go for her. I told him yes just because he asked and I have much respect for that. But actually I would hate if he were together with her (which would happen without a doubt), not because of her, but because it would make it very difficult to meet him without her coming along (she's very clingy) and he's one of the few good friends of mine that aren't moving from Vienna in the next few weeks.

Ugh this shit was over 6 weeks ago, why can't it just be over?

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^ 6 weeks? Just an awkward time. Get a new girl or three and move on. Won't be as bad hanging out with your exgf if you have someone else along too, at least how I usually feel.

I just hung out with an exgf of mine last night actually, we're pretty good friends. I brought a college friend of mine along and it was me, just completely hammered, splling my 15th drink of the night on the dance floor, out on this empty Tuesday night dancefloor with my college friend (who is a good looking kid, looks like Daniel Henney) and these two white girls acting completely foolish but making all of the Korean people just stand around and watch and wish they were having as good of a time as us. This girl even did the caterpillar on the dance floor at this techno club to spite everyone! Good times.

I think it was Monday that I was having my bad day, where I lost my passport, went across town to the closed bank to find out it closes at 3 and not 5, and had a conversation with another exgf where she broke it to me that she'd be getting married (to her 35 year old boyfriend) in November. This is the same girl who I hadn't seen in 4 years, but was riding the train a couple weeks ago to work, looked down at this pair of legs standing next to me, looked at the ass, chest, and then face, and realized who it was. Don't really feel anything either way about all of the marriage business, but I kind of feel sorry for her going and marrying a guy 10 years older than her. Her youth is pretty much done now, and I always thought of her as being the young, fresh face.

I have a date tomorrow with this girl I've met twice before at these work reunions I keep going to. I dunno why, but I really like this girl. A bit too much, me thinks, I'm a bit scared by that actually. I was supposed to meet her yesterday but already she is playing games and tried to tell me she was busy, but she and I both know she wasn't doing shit on a Tuesday evening.

I met her back in April for the first time, some asshole was trying to spit game at her the entire night but he didn't realize she was trying to talk to me. That first time the three of us sat there in this bar in this triangle, where this guy was constantly trying to AMOG me, but real low-level, like asking me how much money I make, trying to level his shit up against mine but he failed each time. I think in a playful way I made fun of his lame haircut and clothes and that really got him heated. Eventually the three of us all catch a cab together since we lived in the same general area. I should've gotten out first but I needed to get that dude out of the car as fast as possible so I got him out, then it was just the girl and I riding in the cab and I'm thinking "well all right" but I guess she'd gotten put off by me and guy going at it all night and she dropped me off on the corner down the street, haha.

I later found her blog through the network, and she must've found my long-defunct blog the same way, because she started writing veiled responses to all of the things I'd written in the past, and so I started my little blog up again to write some new things to see if she'd respond, and she did. I get way too wrapped up in the chase sometimes so I was checking her website like daily for awhile, not even knowing if I'd see her again.

We had our biannual work reunion again this past Saturday, so I went knowing she'd probably come, and she probably knew I was coming as well. I got in and sat far across the room and wasn't sure she was even there but finally found her in the far corner, watching me. She eventually moved out of the back and came up front and I made my way over to her.

On Saturday I wasn't trying to run game on that girl since I went intending on just seeing some old work friends from like 5 years ago and enjoying unlimited free Duvel on the tab of a company I hadn't worked at for years, but I got bored. I sat down at this table of 3 girls and 3 guys, 1 girl whom I knew vaguely, and the girl I've liked, and the rest I didn't know. I quickly sat down and chatted up the ugliest girl and got her all riled up, got her excited to be talking to me, then folded the girl I knew (we went to school together back home) into the conversation, and then got the guys answering my questions but staying quiet. I think I completely shut the girl I liked out of the conversation for about 5 minutes, finally a made a comment towards her that she had to respond to, let her get a word out, and went back to shutting her out.

We went to 3 bars that night, and each time, with her following me and sitting diagonal of me each time, I shut her out for 5 minute spans and talked to everyone else. We went to karaoke for the last place of the evening, I walked in there with the whole group, sat down and crossed my arms and said "fuck this, this is boring" and went outside to get a bottle of water. She quickly got up and came out before the door had fully closed from the first time, and we went outside on the street and I finally got some alone time with her. I dunno why I didn't take the opportunity to just take her home at that point, I guess because we've had this quiet thing going so slowly for so long that I thought it might've ruined our thing or something.

Anyhow, point of all of this is that now that I know what works on her, I am not sure if I keep on doing that to her or if I switch gears when we're out on dates and it's the two of us. I'm also not sure if we're really gonna go on dates or if the magnetic attraction that has been coming to a boil is just going to make us fuck like bunnies and forget about having anything else.

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I've had a few other girls since then, no relationships or anything though. Thing is, I'm basically forced to see her once or twice a week because we go to the same parties, galleries, etc. and have a pretty similar circle of friends. I was hoping to make these encounters less awkward (she does that thing where she's looking at me, and the second I catch her glance she'll look away, thinking I won't notice), but whatever. I'm gone from here in 3 weeks.

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