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WTB: Supreme Navy Bulldogs Varsity Jacket in a size Large.


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First off, I would to apologize to anyone who has been PM'ing the past couple of weeks to a month offering me deals for the floral hoodie that I said I wanted. I guess I got impatient with some of you who wouldn't reply back when I messaged you; and for those who did reply back, I took too long respond and so ended up selling it the next guy, and for that I'm sorry. Eventually I did manage to buy one off someone on Ebay though (From this guy) Anyway, let's move on to the next item on my wishlist (I'm most likely gonna get dissed for calling it that lol)......


^ Is there anyone out there interested in selling me this in a size large? My starting offer will be at $250, PM me if you're willing to negotiate prices and make a deal. If you do not have the navy colorway, then my alternative will be the red one.


I can't wait to make business with y'all. Please and thank you in advance.

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