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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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man, with everyone else hating timpoblete's fits and the few acting like this is something special with all the EG I wanna not dislike his fits, but this is just bad. He looks so sad and frumpy. The way the pants are so baggy and drape together in the thighs, they have this weird walrus face-like cameltoe thing going on, like a one foot tall vagina. Guy needs to slim down his pants and stop hemming them without break, and get a pair of boots or something.

And buy a mirror.

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sure bianchi makes a stellar frame but the way fixies beast that shit you'd think no other bicycle manufacturers exist

what the hells with this fixed gear fad anyway

i mean who doesnt love coasting downhill on a bike, and i'm going to pre-empt anyone saying fixed-gear is simpler... there aren't that many more terribly confusing parts to add to make it a freewheel

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^^ for me it's the most notable Japanese company collab / colorway. I don't know of many JP Vans. They're the same as US general releases with inflated prices.

EDIT: Oh maybe except say Syndicate mountain pack or something.


sure bianchi makes a stellar frame but the way fixies beast that shit you'd think no other bicycle manufacturers exist

what the hells with this fixed gear fad anyway

i mean who doesnt love coasting downhill on a bike, and i'm going to pre-empt anyone saying fixed-gear is simpler... there aren't that many more terribly confusing parts to add to make it a freewheel

I want a bike. Don't even care what kind, bout to steal one from my neighborhood.

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damn, boy never had a chance. i cant recall anyone getting shit on this much since i guess edmonds banning. carry on and plenty of laughs will be had by (almost) all.

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Pure fucking hype is what it is.

There's a million other prints like that on Vans that would provoke reponses such as 'get the fuck back to Hot Topic'.

i probably never wouldve thought about wtaps x vans stuff.....but you are spot on with that call

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i've lived all over europe and this dreadful shit is certainly not european style.

why wouldn't it be..? it was born here within european car enthusiasts and has remained somewhat popular even though styles and different fads have obviously changed. while the use of the term "euro" can be argued in some cases, its definately an european style.

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shave you neck please, stubble only works when

1.it grows on all of your face

2. you have shaved your head or have a very short haircut

3. are very skinny, smoke, possibly drunk, or athletic

4. a war veteran, perhaps (see 3)

put the cards away, everyone knows the only accepted tricks are done with yoyos on superfuture

get a haircut, unless youre trying to grow it out. in which case, put that shit under a hat until its the proper length

horizontal stripes are not your friend when you are in any amount overweight (maybe you are not overweight, but man is your stomach out there)

new glasses

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