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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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  Crillz said:
1. don't wear a tucked-in dress shirt with jeans.

2. that tie is too bold/long/thick (lol) to be worn without a jacket

3. the sleeves are too wide and long on your shirt, they bunch and it looks like you have pinstriped popeye arms.

My suggestion?

Go out and buy yourself a plain white long sleeved button up that fits you really well. That's acceptable with jeans if you untuck it and roll the sleeves up, but can also be formal when worn with slacks. Buy a less loud/wide tie if you're planning on wearing it without a jacket. Black inchwides with a squared bottom are the preferred choice of, well, me. It's also too long, this can possibly be corrected by re-knotting it differently, but if not, it's not a good look, looks like you have a cartoon tongue hanging out of your mouth.

Hope it helps?

  Oh yeah, said:
and you can do the glasses or the hair, but not both at once.
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  just be eesy said:

feel free to explain

i'm open for suggestions :)

age 16, my semi-formal selection is very limited

def need some help

there's nothing wrong with your fit at all. i think it's quite awesome. i think that half of the things that come into this thread are undiscovered genius. by changing your steez due to the urgings of this forum then you are just falling victim to groupthink. in my idiot opinion, this forum should merely be a place to discuss the virtues and philosophies of clothing. you obviously have a "eurotrash" aesthetic. pump that shit for all it's worth. don't think you need to rip off haptronic or whatever because everyone here beasts over him. so what if you don't surrender to the zeitgeist. dont' sacrifice your individual soul to be held in better regard by these vagrants. as long as you don't feel goofy then you're fine. swagger is more important than the clothing. cam'ron looks ridiculous to us, but look how confident he is when he wears his purple/pink clothing and furs.

on another note, you look like you're in a new wave revival band.

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