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Leathermix Handmade Leather Goods


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hi all,

i've been in this community for some years, decided to start a thread of our own.

as some who have deal with us before should know, leathermix never respond your emails later than 24hrs. we are on 24hr standby, always try to reply immediately if not, within few hours.

now, we want to make this even better - starting a thread of our own in sufu will enable us to answer your inquiries, shipment questions, and most importantly, collect feedbacks and comments.

we hope we can continue this personal touch with you by the use of this thread :)

please feel free to discuss our leathers and products here, and of course, we will welcome any pictures you have of leathermix products.

some of these pictures will be used on our websites, blog and also frame up at the walls in our headstore in istanbul

me and my partner will try our best to post our latest designs, updates and up-coming events here.

or your can visit our blog page (http://www.leathermix.tumblr.com) for get latest informations

website: http://www.leathermix.etsy.com

contact: [email protected]


Edited by leathermix
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