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stone island


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my boss has some pieces from the older collections, he was into the casual scene, the quality is very high which is reflected in the price, especially with the jackets and tops, not sure about the jeans trhough but yeah the clothes hold up after years.

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I checked out their website the other day after seeing all the guys on that film, "Stand you ground" wearing Stone Island Jackets. Had not thought of the label for years. Really nice Jackets indeed.

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I'm a longtime fan of Stone Island and CP Company, but I've not been feeling much of what they've put out in recent years (aside from variations on classics like the CP Miglia jackets and the occasional SI piece). Both labels were at their best when Massimo Osti was still designing and had a free hand to experiment. Paul Harvey also did some great work with SI after Osti left, but over the last two years or so a lot of the output has been either boring or ugly (designwise at least, the quality of construction and materials still seem to be absolutely top notch). The SI denim range in particular is fucking terrible. That said, I have jackets and knits that I bought between five and seven years ago that are still in amazing condition (despite plenty of wear) and look current.

The other problem is that since the late 90s SI has become so well known as hoolie wear (even though most proper hooligans have since moved on to other labels) that you can't really wear it in the UK anymore.

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can't wear it as you'll be picked up easier? interesting.

what are some of the other brands going around that scene? coming up out of skinheads, the style has almost always been spot on, so i'm always looking to it for new stuff.

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Can't wear it as you are more likely to be stopped going into places / more likely to get started on by someone looking for a good fight.

(Also, there's the fact that it's just a lot more recognisable / mainstream there now. Same reason that most people on here who might have worn Evisu 8 or 9 years ago probably wouldn't sport the gulls any more.)

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  • 1 month later...

I'm glad I found this thread. I was looking on Ebay at CP Company/Stone Island and there are HUNDREDS of listings in the UK, but next to nothing in the US. I came here to ask why it's so popular in the UK - I see now. If any of UK folks want to add more, please do. Will this brand be scorned as much as the Burberry check?

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I'm glad I found this thread. I was looking on Ebay at CP Company/Stone Island and there are HUNDREDS of listings in the UK, but next to nothing in the US. I came here to ask why it's so popular in the UK - I see now. If any of UK folks want to add more, please do. Will this brand be scorned as much as the Burberry check?

I go to Uni in Portsmouth, UK, and I see alot of Burberry hats and Stone Island. I really like a lot of Stone Island stuff, but I probably wouldnt wear it unless I bulked up.

In Pompey I noticed that the bigger, balder, scarred and tattooed white guys wear Stone Island while the skinnier, younger, loudmouthed chav-kids wear Burberry.

However, having said that, I know loads of people that have at least 1 Stone Island sweater or jacket that are in no way Chavs or Hoolies.

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I'm glad I found this thread. I was looking on Ebay at CP Company/Stone Island and there are HUNDREDS of listings in the UK, but next to nothing in the US.

Bear in mind that a lot of the stuff on eBay.co.uk will be pretty low quality fakes. There's a huge market for fake SI in particular as well as for any CP stuff featuring the Miglia goggles.

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Bear in mind that a lot of the stuff on eBay.co.uk will be pretty low quality fakes. There's a huge market for fake SI in particular as well as for any CP stuff featuring the Miglia goggles.

Actually, I am doing research for potential market for REAL CP/SI stuff to sell on Ebay. Hmm, how do I tell the potential sellers that my stuff is genuine?

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I always write a huge disclaimer at the end of my auction preaching about authentic items and how much fakes there are on ebay. not sure if it helps too much but hopefully someone is enlightened by it..

good, big pics are always a good sign plus pics of tags and such.

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I have several sweathers, knitwear, jackets and bodywarmers froms tone island.

I must say the quality of the heavy knitwear is very good and the jackets are also made of very good quality material.

Myself i have a cottonwaxed winterjacket from last season.. and this season i'm sure gonna buy me another one!

some pics:


summer jacket made of the same stuff like polo's are made of


heavy knitwear

and you can see if it's a fake or not when you look at the spa label inside the product..

for example the spa label gives this nr:


42= the season (42 = Spring/Summer 05) (43 = Autumn/Winter 05) (44 = Spring/Summer 06)

15=give info about who has made it (15 = stone island) (14 = SI denims range) (18= CP Company)

4= says the product is a jacket (5 = knitwear) (6 = Sweatshirt)

d= model (can be a different letter because there is no standard letter)

25= Cloth/Swatchcard

hope i gave you guys enough info about si and how to spot fake ones :)

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Actually, I am doing research for potential market for REAL CP/SI stuff to sell on Ebay. Hmm, how do I tell the potential sellers that my stuff is genuine?

Genuine SI and CP will either be sold by an eBay store with an established reputation or an individual seller with a history of dealing in similar labels. Stuff to look for: Close up photos of the arm tag. Photos of the serial number (the guide posted above will be useful here). Multiple quality images showing garment features. It'll usually either be a classic piece or something from the current or previous season so check the websites to see if it's in the collection there. If there are multiple auctions selling the same generic looking item, it's usually a fake.

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Fellas, thank you very much for wonderful advice! Special thanks to Sarlo for deciphering the serial number. Someone has actually asked me for the serial number before. I wasn't aware that CP/SI is faked, because it's not really popular in the US. <runs to modify the current auction>.

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  • 1 year later...

i've only seen CP company branded stuff at barney's.

since their relaunch it seems like the outerwear pieces have gotten extremely flashy (ie reflective materials, bright colors). i'm hoping they'll bring back the button neck air force jumpers like they had a few years ago.

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