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good mainstream vs. bad mainstream


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i have a question. say pure blue, samurai, apc became the next huge worldwide thing. i saw a thread s a few weeks ago that said "are nudies done?" and the point was, simpley that more people were buying them. thousands of people purchase lee and levis every day, yet people keep lauding shrink to fit and lvc. So what in hell makes something good mainstream or bad mainstream? at first i thought it was quality, but then someone badmouthed nudies. please explain.

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i think to be mainstream and get respect you need to have a good quality to price ratio. if stf were 100$ no one here would have them. if nudies were the price of apc the are nudies thread would have never been started. nudies are kinda gimicky, expensive, and over-exposed here.

also, we are stuck up elietists. we dont want the shit that other trendy people have. levis are so non trendy that its alright. its better to have cowboy jeans than fashionista jeans.

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to ask question about which or what is main stream, it really depend on what side you are on, the product or trend thats consider main tsream to us, maybe out right retardedt to the general public, and it's almost certain that we are the black sheep of this society....

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Slight correction, but otherwise in agreement with CMF, Nudies are very cheap in mainland Europe (not the UK though, but we arent really Europe anyway).

I also think people like Levis, Lee, Wrnagler because (I personally anyway) like the heritage that goes with them, even though they are mainstream.

If Samurai became the next big thing worldwide, rest assured there would be people on SuperFuture saying "oh the quality just isnt as good since my next door neighbour bought a pair. They over-exposed themselves with their marketing. They should really have just stuck to Japan only".

Basically, there is a large snob contingent to Superfuture, where they need to be the only person in their country wearing that brand, aside from fellow SF people.

I think that need for supposed 'exclusivity' fades as you get older though, so those people are probably quite young. I was like that at school, now I couldnt care less

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im just getting started, only i pair of samurai, but at my u if you dont wear Abercrombie or hollister daily then you're considered a fashion freak who cares too much about his image. i really DONT FUCKIN CARE. I know that their crombies will last 3 months and my samurais 3 decades, so fuck them

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It's all relative. Like music...bands can be considered alternative to some people while others think they are soooo mainstream. Depends on who you hang with, what town you live in, etc... Being part of the superfuture community puts you on the extreme as far as brands go. Nudies of course you've heard of them, but if you talk to even people who are in the clothing industry, i.e. Macy's, they might call Nudies a small alternative brand that they don't know much about.

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Guest jeffvyain

if samurai upped their prices and dropped in quality people would badmouth them. i think it has much less to do with the exclusivity as just feeling like you're paying for a quality product. everyone keeps blowing out the crotches of their nudies, and when you look at pictures online, there isn't one pair of nudies out there that can come close to living up to anything ryu has to offer or those eternals everyone goes gaga over. and those jeans not only end up looking better, but they are made with better denim and as far as we know, don't seem to rip to shreds from stretching a little too far. and in addition, most of those japanese brands are cheaper! i still like nudies, but if i'm going to spend close to 300 bucks on a pair of jeans, i'm buying samurais, not nudies. and it has nothing to do with exclusivity here...i live in nashville and i've seen 2 pairs of nudies in this entire city...it's just me wanting the best.

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i think to be mainstream and get respect you need to have a good quality to price ratio. if stf were 100$ no one here would have them. if nudies were the price of apc the are nudies thread would have never been started. nudies are kinda gimicky, expensive, and over-exposed here.

also, we are stuck up elietists. we dont want the shit that other trendy people have. levis are so non trendy that its alright. its better to have cowboy jeans than fashionista jeans.


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Just a quick word in Nudies defence (even though I dont even own any!)

To be fair, when people are reporting the crotch has split, the truth is that if you are deliberately sizing down, wearing very slim fitting jeans it is inevitable that the crotch will go over time.

The exact same thing would happen with Samurais etc, its just that they dont make a 'skinny' fit, so no one has found this out yet. Nor is the trend to wear Jap. repros ball breaker tight, like there was with Nudies. (at least as far as I have seen anyway)

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I'm breaking my balls with the eternal x bears right now. So far, they've held up great, and I've put them through some _serious_ waist stretching. :) I'll let you know if they fail me down the line.

More on topic, aren't the Japanese doing tighter stuff, or 'euro-slim', more and more already? Though with the quality etc of the classic repro models. I'm thinking the new PB(&)J, Eternal x Bears, etc. Still far away from mainstream though, and I can't see how it could ever be.

Anyways, I'd be thrilled if more people wore japanese jeans, or even dry denim to begin with, but I don't think people have enough interest.

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Anyways, I'd be thrilled if more people wore japanese jeans, or even dry denim to begin with, but I don't think people have enough interest.

hmm... i don't think people have enough $$$

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Read, The Tipping Point. It will explain everything.

Do you mean to say SF'ers are the maven/connector/salesman packages who, as early adoptors, subsidize jeans brands or denim styles (ex: raw) in the beginning of their life cycles?

And once we tip the brands or denim styles we then become unsatisfied and look for more brands and styles to tip only to start this cycle again. All the while disillusioned but not realizing our own folly??? Please explain!!!!

Or maybe we're just overanalyzing it.

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if samurai upped their prices and dropped in quality people would badmouth them. i think it has much less to do with the exclusivity as just feeling like you're paying for a quality product. everyone keeps blowing out the crotches of their nudies, and when you look at pictures online, there isn't one pair of nudies out there that can come close to living up to anything ryu has to offer or those eternals everyone goes gaga over. and those jeans not only end up looking better, but they are made with better denim and as far as we know, don't seem to rip to shreds from stretching a little too far. and in addition, most of those japanese brands are cheaper! i still like nudies, but if i'm going to spend close to 300 bucks on a pair of jeans, i'm buying samurais, not nudies. and it has nothing to do with exclusivity here...i live in nashville and i've seen 2 pairs of nudies in this entire city...it's just me wanting the best.

This post just made the sound of a nail being hit directly on the HEAD...

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6MT wrote:"to ask question about which or what is main stream, it really depend on what side you are on, the product or trend thats consider main tsream to us, maybe out right retardedt to the general public, and it's almost certain that we are the black sheep of this society...."

And that's what made me think of The Tipping Point, and the 'Trickle Down' vs. the 'Bubble Up' type of trends. The Trickle-down trend comes from major fashion labels, and marketing research, and the Bubble-up trend comes from street fashion.

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Just a quick word in Nudies defence (even though I dont even own any!)

To be fair, when people are reporting the crotch has split, the truth is that if you are deliberately sizing down, wearing very slim fitting jeans it is inevitable that the crotch will go over time.

The exact same thing would happen with Samurais etc, its just that they dont make a 'skinny' fit, so no one has found this out yet. Nor is the trend to wear Jap. repros ball breaker tight, like there was with Nudies. (at least as far as I have seen anyway)

I ain't buyin it.

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I think no matter what, it is of the utmost importance to have a happy butt, no matter what it is in. be it fashoinista or street or cowboy or sloppy crap.

good butt's a given. ;)

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