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Are NUDIES done?


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Guest jeffvyain

nudie won't go out until they start making shitty cuts. that's why people love them. i've been very close to getting some svens a couple times now but i can't justify svens over some s5000vx's... japanese denim might get overplayed one day on superfuture, but it's never going to be very popular in the US unless they seriously up their output, and if everyone's making their denim on vintage looms, that probably just isn't going to happen. I haven't even seen anyone else wearing APCs in Nashville (i've seen a couple nudies), let alone some canes or eternal or some other japanese brand. New York has how many millions of people in it? and Blue in Green has probably sold no more than 200 pairs of jeans...half of which probably went to the same people who've already bought from them. If there are 100 people running around new york with some japanese repros (or even 300 in nudies) on any given day and you guys think that's overplayed, you're probably trying to stay so far ahead of the curve that you're off of it completely.

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Its like anything, you will always get snobs who loved something one minute, but hate it when it goes mainstream.

If you liked a musician when only you had heard of them, how can you suddenly dislike them when their album gets to number one and their album goes platinum?

Its the same with clothes and certain brands - thats just the way some people are.

For all we know, soon Japanese brands may no longer be seen as 'cutting edge' and for example the next world denim hotspot could be brands from Russia or whatever.

Sadly I feel there is a mentality of the 'lemming' when it comes to fashion. "Oh Japanese repro jeans are in now. Shit. Have to sell all the Swedish brands I bought last year then"

If you liked the cut of your Nudies or whatever last year, why dont you like them this year, just because your colleague or next door neighbour might have them this year?

--- Original message by sneakeraddict on Jun 15, 2006 02:19 PM

i dont like nudies cuz the quality sucks now, plus they raised the fucking price to 265.....shit...thats 85 dollars more than when i first got them in 2004. So call me a lemming all you want, i'd rather pay 265 for a pair of japanese jeans than a pair of swedish jeans...

plus the japanese have been fucking making quality jeans since before I was born..I remember when I went to tokyo the first time in 2003 (before i got really into this stuff) and was blown away.....


Edited by poly800rock on Jun 15, 2006 at 04:25 PM

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Well, another thing to consider is that it takes roughly 6months, give or take, to break in a pair of nudies. Maybe by then, nudies will be as mainstream as diesel or true religion. I agree that it is stupid to not like something just because it is mainstream, but that is how I am. I think most of you can identify with this feeling. I want to be unique and not just part of the crowd. This is the reason why I don't want to buy a another pair of nudies even though I'm very tempted to do so. Judging from current trends, it would seem that nudies will be full blown in the US 6months to 1yr from now. I just don't want to be "stuck" with a pair of jeans that I work hard to break in just to be part of the crowd. I hope I've expressed myself well enough to get my point across.

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Guest jeffvyain

something to take into account is if the dry denim thing ACTUALLY became popular and masses of people were waiting 6 months to wash their jeans, you'd be sittin pretty with the pair everyone wanted theirs to look like... and you'd be the guy saying "yea i mean i liked nudies way back like a year ago when i started breaking these in"....then again, the masses really aren't patient enough to handle 6 months without washing, which is why nudie will never be that popular.

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I don't really care if Nudies are "done" or not, I live in Calgary Alberta and while it takes styles a little while to make it here Nudie seems to be becoming very popular with the crowd around where I work and live. While on one hand I don't like seeing the stitching on every ass that walks by I like the jeans, good fits, basic cuts and at $185 cad. for a dry pair thats a pretty good deal, problem is I keep blowing out the crotch in all mine(RRDS, FGD, SJDB). I think I'll keep buying them for quite some time just because they work for me not whether or not the've become mainstream, this isn't to say I don't like having some l33t gear but if its good its good and I can't argue with quality product.

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Nudie is now subjected to the marketing $. you can't blame the company if it thrives for financial success. they're just not going to be the market for us sf heads here. like what a number of posters above has said, we like under the radar stuff and nudie is definitely surfacing.

Having said that, I hope japanese premium denim will not be mainstream now that there is a US retailer selling them.

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I thought the raised prices had to do with their distributor and not the actual company.

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I wouldn't say that they are done, I would say that people are moving on to different things. Most people are moving on to their second pair, with a nudie or APC being the "training" pair, from my point of view. I just put aside my nudies for a pair of samurais, and am being nowhere nearly as careful with the samurais as I thought I had to be with the Nudies. But I feel that a straight sven is still on my hit list, so I am not writing them off but holding off on another pair. Long story short; not dead, just sleeping.

At least with Superfuture

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someone said that nudies's started the whole 'dry denim' craze or not washing your jeans craze. you are kind of right and kind of wrong.

i have always 'not washed' my jeans because I like to keep them as dark blue as possible. when they do eventually get washed the blues stay a lot bluer, my last pair of jeans i've only washed 3 times in over two years. nudies is the first company to advertise that people should do it but they didn't start that train of thinking. my mom always told me that washing your clothes wears them out so if you can go without washing them to do it, they'll last longer. it is a product of not having money. nudies might have packaged it up nice and got a good slogan to sell to people but they didn't create the school of thought....they were just the first to tell consumers about it.

people say they don't like them because they want to seem cool. there is nothing wrong with the nudie jeans. if you want to have something that nobody else has make your own jeans, being elitist like that is lame. similar to kids who stop liking a band when other people start to like them. make your decisions based on what you like and not what other people think. who cares if you know someone else who has a pair?

if you think that spending six months to break in a pair of jeans only to see other people wearing the same brand new when you are done is a huge waste of time you are prob. into this for the wrong reasons. I am into it because i like it, not because i want to be cooler than the next guy. you really can't be that original, someone told you about the jeans in the first place.

Edited by obsessis on Jun 16, 2006 at 12:04 AM

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edit: - i meant to quote this

My sense is that the mass public and even the fashion media are confused by what raw denim is all about. All the photo shoots of models in raw denim revolve around the fact that they look clean and dressy. We all know that's not the main reason why we go raw. We are not anti-honey combs/holes/rips/patches/whiskers. We just don't want them put there by a factory.

one of the main reasons that i buy raw jeans is because they look really clean and dressy. i like the dark color and try to keep it as long as possible. i think honeycombs are overrated. i like subtle whiskering on the front, knees and bottom of legs, though.

i like raw denim because it has so much indigo and i will try to keep as much of it in as possible. i do not want them to turn into washed out jeans with rips and patches. subtle distressing is way more effective than lots of distressing.

Edited by obsessis on Jun 16, 2006 at 12:07 AM

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By the way - to all of us who are wearing raw LVC.

Surely you realise to the 'man in the street' WE are very mainstream and populist because we are wearing Levis? !!!

Only another denim lover would ever work out (or care) that we are wearing 'big e' repros, so to them, we are the ones who are not fashionable and ahead/ upto date because they are wearing new brands like True Religion, Nudies or whatever.

To the people who implied they must be 'ahead of the game' to feel comfortable within themselves......... well, let me just ask, what if your all of your friends after seeing your jeans decide they also want to get into premium jeans and all start importing them from Japan too?

You are all going to be wearing pretty much the same look, and presumably your self worth has been shattered because you no longer (think) you stand out.

Please click my website for some cool stuff for sale

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i bought my nudies almost a year and a half ago, at a boutique in austin called by george for 220

i never saw anyone else in texas other than 2 people that i actually know adn recoomended the jeans too ever wear them

i live in suburban houston and i know for a fact that the public i live with does not have the patience to wait more than six months for what they see as denim to start to appear

the bottom line is, they are amazing jeans, i have never had a more beautiful fade, or seen a more beautiful fade on any jean comparable to those that i have seen on RRDS. ( not counting tose super amazing 74392473892 year old jeans). and as long as nudie stick to their promise

they will continue making amazing jeans with amazing fits that lead to amazing fades


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ah yes, i love the cuts,

i think the main problem is the quality of the denim itself isnt that good, for $100 less i can get APCs which have better denim on em IMO.

that being said, i dont mind the back stitching, and while i hate seeing nudies in hipster "trendwhore" shops, the fits make up for it

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I think Nudies haven't been played out, maybe on SF because of some of the paranoia like elitist guys.. but okay. In some parts of the world , (like where I live right now) they do sell nudies and raw denim. But almost NOOOBODY knows about em..hell not even the freaking salesmen in the store that have em really know about em.

But perhaps in Europe they're completely played out, because here in Canada it's all about 7's/Diesels/True Religions. I don't know, I think anything is fine until litterally every person has some (Like say for every person who had an iPod, had nudie jeans..oh shit..)

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