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a.p.c. question


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A soak in water and Woolite will remove dirt and grease, soften them up and shrink them a little if the water is warm enough. You'll lose a little indigo too of course.

Otherwise just wearing them will soften them up.

Don't worry about losing colour from the first wash. Many expensive selvage jeans are sold with a one-wash rinse already (eg 5EP, 45rpm, PRPS...) and you'll still get great wear effects despite them not being 'dry' denims. The upside of one-wash jeans is that they'll be preshrunk.

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I don't know if anyone reads GQ USA, but theres an interview with the designer at APC. It's a short and good read. Definitely in to the 50's vibe from that rag's article.

The woolite black soak takes only a bit of the indigo off, just enough from what i've read.

I've heard showering in them, and washing with shampoo does wonders?



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apc english cut are quite baggy despit being 'stiff'. paired with sneakers or trainers they basically fall over them- not slim, and that is with it cuffed. i am afraid that i am not motivated enough to post a pic but if it helps i wear my apcs with white leather all stars, white nappa spring courts, padmore and barnes sand suede weavers, and even redwings and objectively speaking it all works well. and yes my white trainers get blue but really not much you can do about that... hope that helps.

the mind's eye glitters with thoughts and ideas for the masses/

i take classes/ to appease the classless/ perhaps its/

counter-revolutionary or counter intelligence/

to understand the situation or take command of the circumstance/

never mind what i say what's done is done/

and when i look down and grin and say it's been fun/

understand that #1 means no #2's i'm the best/

and i will choose to act out in front if you all to put you to the test/

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Mostly just posting to say I love my new A.P.C. Anglais jeans! really nice jeans, and really not that expensive.

I'm around 6'3, and I only cuff them once - not sure I'd want them any shorter. But yeah, the jeans are long if you're not a tall person.

So anyway, a pic with my worn out Smith's:


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I'm about 6'1". I bought a 36", but usually wear a 33"-34". I sag my jeans and want them a little bigger. For me, the cut was perfect. Not too tight in the crotch, not too baggy, they just fit amazing. As for the length, I just either cuff them once and the natural stiffness helps make them not drag and put them over my trainers a bit, or I can roll them twice and they are a good length. Again, I'm about 6'1". I'm actually thinking of buying the same exact pair so I can wear these everyday and have a fresh pair. Hope this helps.


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