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Max Fischer (New Brand): What do you think?

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So... we are still putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, but our site is live, and we have a few trial pieces under our belt. If your feeling it, bookmark us. Our blog will be updated regularly with interesting Midwestern tid-bits, and you never know what we might do next.


What's the secret, Max?

Max Fischer is a dynamic, intelligent, and personal venture into the already swelling world of culture-driven brands. Our goal is not to try and define a micro-culture with our insights, but instead to expose the overlap between our interests. We are the kids who grew up between punk-rock and hip-hop and between the urban and suburban.

Max Fischer


A blog, clothing, art site with a Midwest perspective.

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If I wear a shirt with Steve McQueen on it does it make me cool as Steve? No. I don't get the whole tshirt that gleens cool off some other persona. I just don't get it at all.

Same Same with the Che shirt or the Kate Moss shirt or the "fill in the blank" shirt.

Edited by damnIam on Jun 7, 2006 at 08:56 AM

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"Max Fischer is a dynamic, intelligent, and personal venture into the already swelling world of culture-driven brands. Our goal is not to try and define a micro-culture with our insights, but instead to expose the overlap between our interests. We are the kids who grew up between punk-rock and hip-hop and between the urban and suburban."

What do I think?... I think it's garbage, and I mean that in the least constructive way possible. Personal? maybe. Dynamic and intelligent? I need more than a prep school uniform to convince me of your intelligence, and more than another recycled rap quote Tshirt to convince me of your dynamism. If I see one more mission statement from a fucking clothing label (especially one with nothing under their belt) describing thier mission as anything other than "making clothes, so you will buy them and like them" I'm going vomit on my limited edition dunk SB's.

Trolling the internet looking for respect and feedback is like wearing an american flag bandanna in the suburbs of Paris, you will only get shot in the face and have your ride torched...


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Quote: What do I think?... I think it's garbage, and I mean that in the least constructive way possible. Personal? maybe. Dynamic and intelligent? I need more than a prep school uniform to convince me of your intelligence, and more than another recycled rap quote Tshirt to convince me of your dynamism. If I see one more mission statement from a fucking clothing label (especially one with nothing under their belt) describing thier mission as anything other than "making clothes, so you will buy them and like them" I'm going vomit on my limited edition dunk SB's.

I'd be lying if I said that our goal is nothing more than to sell shirts, and that this post didn't have a hint of "approve us" behind it. But that being said, I did state all of that in the title of this post. We haven't done much yet your right, but as someone who makes a living as a designer, I can tell you that exercises like mottos, mission statements, or whatever you want to call it are important pieces that validate why people should "buy them and like them."

I suppose we could just sit on our shirts, and wait for someone to validate us with magazine spreads, celebrity endorsements, and product placement, but this is the real world. The people who go places are the people who can do-it-themselves. That being said, we (I) am doing it. For better or worse.

Max Fischer


A blog, clothing, art site with a Midwest perspective.

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This isn't meant as a flame, just answering some feedback to show that we aren't just here to drop our name and run. We want to be understood.

Quote: - claiming they represent a certain aspect of a subculture. Oh yes, making tees is very urban. So is looking like some suburban new england geek (aplogies to any)

Well... if you read closely you would see that we "don't" want to pretend we represent any sub-culture, and that we just want to represent ourselves. We are trying to show how MOST PEOPLE fall between sub cultures...


- printing iconic figures or quote on tees. It's a cliche, really. I might as well print "buy this, wear this and the chicks will dig it. end of story"

That's a pretty superficial interpretation of what almost every clothing company (urban/street) or otherwise is doing. Referencing pop culture is not about being an elitist, its about finding connections with other people. "Oh, I love that movie." We choose to make this shirt because its a "clever" reference to the film, without being blatently obvious. 99% of the world will have no idea that it isn't just a tuxedo ripoff in the first place.

Quote: - advertising that buying the said shirts makes you part of the scene. No, you're a kid with alot of daddy's money, and you need to go drown in a river.

Definately not the case, in fact our price point is set so high for that reason. We DONT want you to buy it in order to look cool, or to be scene. We want you to buy it cause you LOVE the things that we do. Also, considering that printing a few shirts, and setting up a website is relatively inexpensive, I will take your "daddy's money" comment with a grain of salt. I paid for everything myself, and more importantly I put hours of my life into building it all, which to me is worth more than money.

Edited by kickatruckx on Jun 7, 2006 at 10:43 AM

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Like I said above, don't take any of this as me being defensive. I posted here knowing the feedback would be constructive/critical. That being said, I hope my commitment to answering comments shows that we are not just looking to get rich quick. We want to be here.

Max Fischer


A blog, clothing, art site with a Midwest perspective.

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you know what you need to do... send some SF members free shirts, with the promise they will wear them in the waywt thread. that's the best publicity you can get. its been viewed close to 600000 times. and these people here are the scene makers in their communities, so once they have them its only a matter of time before more people will buy them.

ill take one of each in S... or M if you're using American apparel


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I am a SF loser/celebrity and am even mentioned on the Rogue Status blog! fuck!

So yeah, I would wear one of your shirts for free.....

Props for not being overly defensive....many people, myself included get tired of seeing new t-shirt company posts every 3-4 days........When will some of you fashion-forward guys make something that is not a t-shirt? eh....

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I love the Blazer shirt, Wes Anderson is the business. Keep on keeping on mate

Ande Whall: http://photobucket.com/albums/y278/andewhall/

Supermarket: Custom Black Grifters: http://www.superfuture.com/city/supertalk/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=11688

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just as a heads up... aNYthing has a blazer shirt out for this summer season already:

[url=" http://anewyorkthing.com/store/#"] <a href="http://anewyorkthing.com/store/#" target="_blank">http://anewyorkthing.com/store/# </a>

I don't really like your shirt, but I see potential for this line if you take the idea of the character (an insecure, quirky sort of overachiever) and run with it.

My two cents.

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