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FS: Gitman Shirts L, Cheap Shades of Greige Navy Cardigan XL


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they are too blousy for me in the waist/back area and i have been hesitant in darting them as im afraid i might screw them up. so putting these up for sale.

ALL PRICES INCLUDE SHIPPING WORDLWIDE. i would be willing to trade with engineered garments shirts in L or epaulet XL or WvG in L/XL too. accepting paypal gift if not add 4%.

standard sizing for these:

shoulder:19 inches



length: 31

1. L club collar striped red oxford. excatly like below but with white club collar ala ervell. decided not to sell.

2. L blue and green button up. $95. like new worn only twice, handwashed by yours truly.



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