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Still new & a few more questions.


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Hi all,

1. Does anyone know of a website that has a pictorial on how denim/selvage denim is made?

I have spent a lot of time reading the FAQ's but need to visiualise what looms, ring spun, etc.etc. look like. I have googled but have not found what I'm after.

2. Why do so many brands emulate the Levi's style?

In the FAQ's somebody gave a list of all jean brands and so many emulate the Levi's style. Predominately Japan. Now I understand the authentic/classic/original link, Levis' being at the forefront of it all...Is that just it?

I suppose the style just doesn't suit me. Tried on Edwins(greenvilles, nashvilles, waynevilles)yesterday and Nudies and I preferred the Nudies by a long shot(Each to their own no doubt) but so far I'm trying to find raw nudies here in London but no luck(I'm from Melbourne so I've looked everywhere I know of)

So I'm just trying to get a pulse on all this. Still on the outside looking in. Please just give answers that are relevant. I've done my homework and have been reading all the posts like a good little boy, but have not been able to get what I'm after.



Edited by luke71 on May 18, 2006 at 04:33 AM

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Liberty has very large stocks of Nudie.

Otherwise Harvey Nichols has almost the complete range. Slim Jim, Ralphs, Finns, etc.

Evisu has a bespoke place on Savile row. Oki-ni, also on Savile Row offers selvage denim pieces.

Could also try American Classics in Covent Garden.

Urban Outfitters in Kensington or Oxford Street do a lot of denim too. Best bit about this is that they often have no idea what they've got. I've picked up Full Count, Pace and 5EP in their sale for approx 75% off.

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Thanks peoples. Excellent answers!

Checked out the nudie link. Such happy music. Who would have thought making jeans could be so much fun...

Yeh that link is a start, maybe that's all that I need but I still would like something more specific. I will have a little surf on Google and see what more I can find.

Thanks for the welcomes. I'll probally check out the stores this week.


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ringring once posted an excellent website that had a series of pictures detailing the construction of selvage denim. I don't remember what thread it was in... perhaps he'll peek his head in here and give us the URL.

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