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BOXFRESH, Man they pulled one over on NYC

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This isn't a critique on their designs just more of an observation on their business practices for expanding into the US market. I can't speak for other cities because I have no clue if Boxfresh is even a presence there, i'm just judging this on NYC.

Anyway! So last Sept. I first began noticing Boxfresh clothing at 555 Soul after a year + of advertising in Mags. I asked them what the story was and was told that 555 would now be selling Boxfresh in their US stores and Boxfresh would be doing the same for 555 in England. Sounded like a nice deal since both companies styles go kind of went hand in hand in a way.

But a Month later almost every boutique within a 2 block radius of each other also started carrying Boxfresh. It got the point where you couldn't walk into a store and not see Boxfresh gear in there (I'm exaggerating, but only slightly... It was almost like most stores were the Gap, all stocking the same thing). And it extended from small boutiques like Prohibit all the way to larger almost chain stores like Canal jeans. And the real fucked up part was that 555 could afford to start selling everything for 50% off while the smaller boutiques a block away had to charge retail for the exact same clothing! So of course it just sits there taking up shelf space, and even if it was discounted it still would be difficult to do it in such a way as to compete with 555.

Finally i asked a shop keeper i was friendly with what the deal was, and she told me that a few months back the Boxfresh sales reps hit her up, and what she later realized every NYC shop with a fancy sales pitch and promises that they would be the only spot in the area to carry their gear. I asked her if she would be stocking them again next season and she said "i doubt it". haha!

I understand that Boxfresh is entitled to make their paper and the blame for this should partially fall on the stores for not keeping up with the Jones'. But what I don't get is How Boxfresh expected any of these stores to still carry their gear after they all got wind that Boxfresh was sleeping around on them? I mean what's their plan for next season?? Why move as much product as possible into a new market the way they did while alienating most of your buyers in the process? I'm sure 555 will still carry them because I'd think they have a contract. But I'd love to see what the buyers for all the other stores say to Boxfresh when they come peddling their summer line this month! It's stupid because I'm sure if Boxfresh were patient enough and stuck with 555 for a while they would have created a nice little buzz for themselves rather than over exposing themselves to death for quick return.

Edited by My Pal the Crook on Jan 14, 2005 at 01:02 PM

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My Pal the Crook, I definitely agree with you. Boxfresh is really killing themselves here by the way 555 Soul is distributing them. They have told certain stores that carry them that they will be listed on the boxfresh website for months now. i think they don't want to list any of the stores because then, all the shops will see that they are everywhere - very non-discriminatory about where they sell. I think Boxfresh could have done really well in the states if they were more selective about the shops and put more of their marketing $$ to help the boutiques that do carry them because they really like the design. I think this is the same thing that happened a few years ago when they first tried to enter the US market. In this trade, it'll be hard for them to try to come back for a third strike- their lucky they've had a second.

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