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IC: Dior Dust Wash Jeans 32 19cm


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Have a pair of Dior jeans I just don't wear. Been keeping them because they almost feel like a trophy in my closet but at this point if I'm never going to wear them theres no need to keep em around. Dior's 19cm was just not the right cut for me.

On another note, these were sold to me previously as Dust Wash but in comparing my pair with others, there are some tell tale markings that are missing from my pair which makes me wonder if these are a different wash. If there are any dior experts that are more knowledgeable than I, I'd certainly be open to some input.

The pair themselves are in great condition on the outside but a bit of repair around the clasp would be a wise plan. Thats really the only spot thats showing wear. Can provide pictures if necessary.

Looking in the area of $400?


P.S. Pardon the shite phone images. As touted as the EVO's camera is, it's really not that superb. Obviously two are taken with flash, two are not.





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