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Samurai Recommendations


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Im looking at buying some Samurai Denim soon, and was wondering a few things

1- Do they shrink to tag? and depending on that do i buy true to size or down(or give me a similar fitting jean to base my choice on)

2- how much are they going to bleed?

3- What is a reasonable price to be looking for?

I did do a search, but am still a rook at using this board, so if all these questions have been answered already feel free to show me the thread and ill delete this one.


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1 - yes

2 - ummm, enough?

don't know how to quantify this but they'll mark your white sneakers so no more nor less than others

3 - they go for about ¥25,000 and up

this has all been asked before

search for samurai and read everything, lots of good threads and you'll learn plenty

then ask every question you want (but not about starch or when to wash them or which nudies they're like - seriously, please don't)

but if you learn japanese samurai has its own q&a board on their website

just depends how bad you want to know

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the money isnt an issue, i just dont want to pay a needlessly exorbitant price. And for comparison i was thinking more on the line of sugar cane's or another japanese denim, not a european one like Nudie

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