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Another fuckin biter

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You'll see that it is weird at Pool as well. I walked into a booth at Pool that a retailer I'm working with recommended I go see. They carry both lines. I walked in and started looking at their stuff without thinking it was wrong. I intoduced myself, including telling them that X retailer told me to swing in and see them. When they found out I wasn't a buyer they freaked out and kicked me out of their booth. I was pissed at first but later in the show, after talking to a few other people, I found out that it is a pretty common practice to rip other peoples designs right at the show.

Since it has never crossed my mind to copy something I've seen.....it didn't occur to me that I shouldn't walk into someone elses booth and look at their shit. Anyway.....it's a crazy business.....with lots of crazy people in it.......and just enough lazy/uncreative people to make it a real pain in the ass. Like you said......if you are wiping your ass with 100's....who cares. Until then probably ought to keep your stuff locked down.

If I don't see you.....have a good show.

Conceived and executed on the working waterfront of Portland, Maine. www.jayallen.biz

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i thought the brooklyn industries could be a coincidence, but maybe they are just smart enough to change the design 25%. I have sold a ton of these, had them on myspace, and on many other websites including this one, plus I have been all over the press. Coincidence my ass. I'm sorry, but I just don't think the scene is that big. I do have to agree from an unbiased point of view, their version looks cheez to me.





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Yes, I put this out a while ago, and I still sell them, and I definitely have new shit. But I am not Supreme or Alife. Most people have no idea what the fuck Proletariat is, so when other people make money off of my exact idea it sucks. Now I am not pissed about shit like Brooklyn Industries or OK47 because the execution is different enough. But this new one is verbatim. That's all. I think I have a little right to point out when some shitty up and comer, who might be getting his ideas off of this exact site, is rippin off shit. If you were an indie label wouldn't you want to know so you could protect your shit? And for those of you who think it is ridiculous that another company could rip off a smaller label then welcome to the world of business. you've got a lot to learn.

here's your ok 47 which to me aint even close, if anything they cheapened this blazer


you even have to look at the background this kid is using and wonder, would he have had the idea of the clouds without some influence like darkclouds?




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wtf do you want?

you want us to start a letter-writing campaign? submit to hypebeast and slamxhype about your "biting" problem? tell all our friends? get the biters blacklisted from boutiques?

some dude made something similar to one of your old-ass designs, which wasn't really very unique to begin with, so you should have been prepared for if not biters, then at least a lot of similar designs.

yet you continually bring up your damn hoodie and all the people "infringing" upon you. time, after time, after time. who gives a fuck if some little kiddie is copying your shit, take as a sign of success instead of getting all butthurt about it, that just brings your level down.

you think supreme cares about all the dumbass box-logo parody shirts and make whiney posts on message boards about then? fuck no. it's not even worth their time.

how fucking weak would it be for bathing ape to sue, say, triumvir, for ripping off the copyrighted ape-head logo, thus basically saying "we consider triumvir from fucking niketalk.com to be on a level where they are threatening our business." you should be thinking along the same lines.

move on already. we have.

Edited by artificialsky on May 8, 2006 at 10:15 PM

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wtf do you want?

you want us to start a letter-writing campaign? submit to hypebeast and slamxhype about your "biting" problem? tell all our friends? get the biters blacklisted from boutiques?

some dude made something similar to one of your old-ass designs, which wasn't really very unique to begin with, so you should have been prepared for if not biters, then at least a lot of similar designs.

yet you continually bring up your damn hoodie and all the people "infringing" upon you. time, after time, after time. who gives a fuck if some little kiddie is copying your shit, take as a sign of success instead of getting all butthurt about it, that just brings your level down.

you think supreme cares about all the dumbass box-logo parody shirts and make whiney posts on message boards about then? fuck no. it's not even worth their time.

how fucking weak would it be for bathing ape to sue, say, triumvir, for ripping off the copyrighted ape-head logo, thus basically saying "we consider triumvir from fucking niketalk.com to be on a level where they are threatening our business." you should be thinking along the same lines.

move on already. we have.

Edited by artificialsky on May 8, 2006 at 10:15 PM

--- Original message by artificialsky on May 8, 2006 10:07 PM

Supreme probably doesn't care about the parody shit.......but you would be talking to their lawyers if you you ripped an actual design.

Conceived and executed on the working waterfront of Portland, Maine. www.jayallen.biz

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wtf do you want?

you want us to start a letter-writing campaign? submit to hypebeast and slamxhype about your "biting" problem? tell all our friends? get the biters blacklisted from boutiques?

some dude made something similar to one of your old-ass designs, which wasn't really very unique to begin with, so you should have been prepared for if not biters, then at least a lot of similar designs.

yet you continually bring up your damn hoodie and all the people "infringing" upon you. time, after time, after time. who gives a fuck if some little kiddie is copying your shit, take as a sign of success instead of getting all butthurt about it, that just brings your level down.

you think supreme cares about all the dumbass box-logo parody shirts and make whiney posts on message boards about then? fuck no. it's not even worth their time.

how fucking weak would it be for bathing ape to sue, say, triumvir, for ripping off the copyrighted ape-head logo, thus basically saying "we consider triumvir from fucking niketalk.com to be on a level where they are threatening our business." you should be thinking along the same lines.

move on already. we have.

Edited by artificialsky on May 8, 2006 at 10:15 PM

--- Original message by artificialsky on May 8, 2006 10:07 PM

supreme and bape dont give a fuck because theyre huge companies who could give a fuck less about someone no one knows about thats biting them. proletariat isnt big enough for people to know that he did that shit way before any of these little assholes. he could definitely lose money over some shit like this. who the fuck is supreme and bape going to lose business to? no one.
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sorry that someone bit one of ur concepts, but yeah, like one guy said previously, its the one of the biggest forms of flattery. many companies bite from other companies ALL THE TIME(I.E. Ripcurl biting from the Hundreds, Ecko from Seventh Letter, etc etc). Just keeping the hustle strong is the best thing you can do for urself. best of luck.

"just because i over stand you doesn't mean you understand me." -qwel

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You guys make me laugh.

So it is alright to rip off people's designs is it? Big, small or whatever, people who steal ideas are no brainers who do nothing except make it harder for innovation to succeed. You would all be wearing white tees with a packet of cigs under your sleeve and thinking it was cool without peoplee coming up wit ideas - good or bad.

There is inspiration, there are trends and then there is stealing ideas. Why don't these guys just give up pretending and just sell the same old fake shit and pirate software on eBay with their brothers. They aren't different and if any of you guys are in the business and think it is OK to rip designs off, you are creative bankrupts.

This forum exchanges ideas. People here help each other design, manufacture or source interesting clothing. You get thieves here and their defenders, then people are not going to keep giving out info such as screen printing sizes etc when they know copyists and their supporters are lurking.

Give respect and get respected.


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it's flattering that you're like, searching through all my posts for ammo against me, son....

but Proletariat's shit is far from being as wack as serum vs. venom.

besides that, in no way did i ever fucking say it was alright to rip-off shit. but it happens, and when it happens, people need to accept that it's part of getting big.

thanks for playing, though!

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Koreans, Chinese, or the guy down the street with a t-shirt press. It is all the same. Marc Jacobs copying other people's work directly is exactly the same as the LV handbags on Canal Street, NY. Funny thing is, Jacobs objects to one and sees the other as part of 'the business'.

Anyway, I lost the argument and I apparently have to go and suck someone called Richard


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^^^ both those have bad execution IMO....the first one, the hand holding the gun looks weird and the second one looks like somebody got lazy in illustrator. but hey, maybe thats the way its supposed to be. =P

"just because i over stand you doesn't mean you understand me." -qwel

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