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Anybody Pay $700 for a BOOK about vintage jeans??


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Vintage Denim: by David Little. I came across an ebay listing for this for almost $200, so I searched on Amazon.com to try and find a cheap copy.....The USED ones are $185 and you can buy a new and "collectable" one for over $700!! It does look like a sweet book though. Anybody ever laid eyes on one?? Ringring, Serge, I"m looking in your direction.....


Fuck....more shit to buy

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Main copy is general and not too much useful information - there's a pretty good breakdown of what to look for in vintage jeans at the end, but nothing like as good as the Boon editions. Its high value comes from the faxct that 10 years ago it was the only book on vintage denim, but by today's standards it's not worth $20, let alone $700.

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Yeah I agree, and I own a copy. Good for identifying actual vintage details, otherwise pretty much useless. The $700 copy is also mint condition, and I hardly think you need that unless you're also a book fanatic.

If you want a good cheap book on jeans, buy Paul T's book. Search for it on Amazon, or on these threads.

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I have that book. It came in handy many years ago when information was more scarce, but now it is obsolete. Paul Trynka's book is better. Try to get a first edition because it is bigger. I have both editions. Paul also writes about vintage guitars, another passion of mine. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1845131118/ref=pd_cp_b_title/104-3821235-1503159?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155

Carpe Denim! (not the jean brand silly!)


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Abbie Hoffman eat your heart out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have that book. It came in handy many years ago when information was more scarce, but now it is obsolete. Paul Trynka's book is better. Try to get a first edition because it is bigger. I have both editions. Paul also writes about vintage guitars, another passion of mine. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1845131118/ref=pd_cp_b_title/104-3821235-1503159?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155

--- Original message by Serge d Nimes on May 8, 2006 09:07 AM

Paul Trynka as in the former editor of Mojo magazine?

I had no idea he was into denim. Seems like a nice chap, used to post on the MOJO forums whenever people complained about how shit the magazine was getting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Paul Trynka as in the handle Paul T on this board, right?

Also if i were going to look for books on denim, what titles would be a nice introductory, with a good grounding in technical details? I'm aware of Paul's Denim: From Cowboys to Catwalks.

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