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stay away from g-star?


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Hi I've heard a few negative things about g-star brand in the nonspecific. This sin't very good since I just ordered a pair and they are on their way. I was trying to choose between gstar core custom in dry or the nudies regular ralf in dry non-selvage. I was told the fits were similar but g-star was a bit more roomy in the thigh which is good for me because I fit best in levis 567 low loose bootcut ( i prefer bootcut to straight and most definitely to baggy) and theis fits relatively tight too mind you. I have huge thighs. think football player. So Basically, how does either fit compared to current levis styles and which has better quality? ie: why the negative?

Thanks guys!

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well some people on here are bit draconian about denim... like if it isn't raw selvedge denim, they tend to shun it. i don't think there's a huge anti-g-star sentiment here, but compared to selvedge denim.. some may saythe denim quality may be less or they don't like the pre-processed washes. a lot of people here will prefer the dry regular ralfs so they can wear them in themselves.

personally, i own a bunch of g-star jeans along with my nudies and evisus. i buy mine in the radar low/loose cuts. like you, i don't like my nuts to be crushed and i like my jeans to be baggy. i like the variety of washes and i haven't had any of my jeans rip or tear open.

what it comes down to is this.. when you get your jeans and you like how they fit and look, what else should really matter?

Edited by Landy on May 3, 2006 at 01:04 AM

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Hey, sorry to hijack this thread...but I have a really weird g-star related question. I recently bought a jacket at a local boutique. Later, browsing ebay, I found the same exact jacket but with this huge back detail(pictured) that my jacket does not have. I’m really confused by this, because I trust my local shop wouldn’t sell fakes, but what would the explanation for this be? Does anyone have any info?



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I don't think the jacket on ebay is fake. In Hong Kong all G-Star jackets sold in their shop have big logos printed or sewn on the back and basically that's why I don't have any of their jackets thought I like the quality and fit of most of them. Maybe they do them differently for Asian market?

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I'm a big fan of G-Star - they make a good everyday jean, in my experience. I'd put the quality on par with Diesel but at about 2/3 of the price. My favorites are the Radar Low Loose and the Elwood. Nice jackets and sweatshirts, too.

RE: the eBay jacket - I bought a couple of colors of G-Star's "Studs" jacket from last season. The ones I bought had a plain back, but the one in white had a massive logo print on the back. Sometimes the same jacket is released in different seasons, in the same color but with a different name and slightly different features and prints - it's pretty random.

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My understanding is that g-star makes multiple versions of a style. For example, one style can come in a NA, EU and Asia version with slightly different details between the 3. subtle differences like snaps, rivets, logo placement while the overall cutlines remain the same.

As a brand, i think they get dissed on by the denim purists because they're a little more overdesigned and "mainstream" (not clean simple lines on a selvedge denim). But i like the uniqueness of their cuts and their roomier fit and the quality is still good for the price.

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Hi I've heard a few negative things about g-star brand in the nonspecific. This sin't very good since I just ordered a pair and they are on their way. I was trying to choose between gstar core custom in dry or the nudies regular ralf in dry non-selvage. I was told the fits were similar but g-star was a bit more roomy in the thigh which is good for me because I fit best in levis 567 low loose bootcut ( i prefer bootcut to straight and most definitely to baggy) and theis fits relatively tight too mind you. I have huge thighs. think football player. So Basically, how does either fit compared to current levis styles and which has better quality? ie: why the negative?

Thanks guys!

--- Original message by foxfyre841 on May 2, 2006 11:54 PM

G-star, Nudies, bootcut...it didnt really matter what you went with did it? It was all gonna be gay in the end...

Got W)Taps? The United Snakes of America: http://stores.ebay.com/Cobra-Command

LEAD, FOLLOW OR GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY. EVERYBODYS GONNA DIE. 12345666789 - this guy is nuts, I gotta get me more I:M!

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I think the problem that most people (including myself) have with G-Star is the severe overbranding. I often see something I like but take a look at the sleeve, back, whatever I didn't initially see; it looks good to me until I see three feet of writing, logos, whatever.

I did, though, get a really nice G-Star polo on sale for $25. But still, "G-Star Raw" is written in, thankfully, small letters on the shoulders and a ~2x2inch G is kind of embossed under the buttons. The surprising subtleness and perfect fit were enough for me to overlook it this time.

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I think the problem that most people (including myself) have with G-Star is the severe overbranding. I often see something I like but take a look at the sleeve, back, whatever I didn't initially see; it looks good to me until I see three feet of writing, logos, whatever.

I did, though, get a really nice G-Star polo on sale for $25. But still, "G-Star Raw" is written in, thankfully, small letters on the shoulders and a ~2x2inch G is kind of embossed under the buttons. The surprising subtleness and perfect fit were enough for me to overlook it this time.

--- Original message by ruach on May 5, 2006 10:53 PM

lol yeh. sometimes i see a cool shirt, then i pick it up and i see all this funky stuff on the shoulders or some wacky thing in the back. i just stick to the subtle stuff.
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hi guys, i m not wehtehr im right or not.

G-star promote raw denim. but they dun not focus on breaking-in process. (actually, they don have much crease and fading after long time wearing)

Nudie promote raw (dry) denim as well, but they want ppl to wear as long as they can to get nice fading.

So they r totally differnt jeans.

Am I right

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don't mean to jack the thread or anything, but i feel like it's got to be said:

milspex, if you don't like what this guy is going for, don't comment. it's just unnecessary to hate on someone's personal tastes like that. that is all.

oh, and in the interest of the thread: my only problem with G-star is overbranding. so don't worry about it as long as you're happy with your jeans. the quality usually does seem to be pretty on par with diesel or something like that.

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my biggest problem with G Star WAS that it sounded too much like G-Unit - an urban brand (and of course the branding and over-styling on some models). having gotten over that, i like the way a lot of the stuff fits on me. i tend to go for the snugger fit, but not skin-tight or anything.

another knock against them may be where their stuff is made. I have a pair of G-Star jeans made in India and one made in Tunisia. Despite this, they seem to still be pretty well made. i think some of their stuff may be made in Italy, etc.

if you go for the heavily branded or overly styled products, there will be a greater chance that they go out of style very quickly. keep it somewhat simple, and you should be safe.

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I have a pair of US red selvedge jeans using Colmar denim(24 dips), Awesome quality, stiff as cardboard. It was made in the late 90s when Gstar was trying to get on the Elvisu bandwagon. I have another pair of Cinchbacks washed using selvedge denim as well. Great quality but the cut was not to my taste. Lastly, I have a pair of Ronics nonselvedged, but excellent quality denim and great fit.

The Quality does seem to have dropped in the last 2 years, they no longer promote that they use US denim.

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my biggest problem with G Star WAS that it sounded too much like G-Unit - an urban brand (and of course the branding and over-styling on some models). having gotten over that, i like the way a lot of the stuff fits on me. i tend to go for the snugger fit, but not skin-tight or anything.

another knock against them may be where their stuff is made. I have a pair of G-Star jeans made in India and one made in Tunisia. Despite this, they seem to still be pretty well made. i think some of their stuff may be made in Italy, etc.

if you go for the heavily branded or overly styled products, there will be a greater chance that they go out of style very quickly. keep it somewhat simple, and you should be safe.

--- Original message by mojo_lo on May 8, 2006 05:28 PM

i don't see how any intelligent person could confuse g-star with g-unit.
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em, yeah...the names G-STAR and G-UNIT are frickin' way off. I'm talking about the names, not the style of the clothes. moreover, i really don't see what any of this has to do with intelligence, and the ones who post comments like that are usually the ones who are feeling inadequate to begin with.

besides, i think G-Star is a pretty bad name, and if you're new to the brand (as I ONCE was), connotes an urban element...get it, yo G!

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oh, and I think the following quote attests to your character:

"mcdo, you shoulda ripped the tag off and when you went to buy it, tell them that they were the greycasts. coulda knocked off a few dollars on the price."

posted in this thread: http://www.superfuture.com/city/supertalk/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=11331

you can reply if you want, but I will not reply back. I'm done wasting my time on you for the day.

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em, yeah...the names G-STAR and G-UNIT are frickin' way off. I'm talking about the names, not the style of the clothes. moreover, i really don't see what any of this has to do with intelligence, and the ones who post comments like that are usually the ones who are feeling inadequate to begin with.

besides, i think G-Star is a pretty bad name, and if you're new to the brand (as I ONCE was), connotes an urban element...get it, yo G!

--- Original message by mojo_lo on May 9, 2006 01:21 PM

i wasn't makin a shot at you. breathe easy. yes they're similar in name. i just kno g-star was once called gapstar, so i never associated it with any kind of urban brand.
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