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american samurai stockists?

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ive been looking for some samurai jeans, but other than throughout rakuten, ive bee unsuccessful, and i dont feel too comfortable ordering from a japanese site that i cant even begin to comprehend. does anyone have any idea who sells them here in the states? really interested in a slim dry black pair, preferably selvage...any suggestions? help put me in the right direction, cos im at a loss right now.


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if you want to wear in a black pair you should get fullcount 1474 or ironheart 634B.


They are dyed with indigo first and then overdyed with sulfur to make them black. When they fade the blue will shine through.

this is a pre-distressed pair but you can see a little blue shining through


they fit like this


These are also dyed blue first and then overdyed black, I dont know which type of dye though.


ironheart.co.uk has 1 pair of these for sale for cheap, maybe you're lucky and it's your size.

våran panel tycker att man ska koka pastan i två år

Edited by horriblyjollyjinx on May 3, 2006 at 01:27 AM

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a cyberfriend of mine just ordered samurais straight from the samurai site------shipped to germany. she was going to go through a bidservice but that would have been a few bills more. does this work for 'mericans?

--- Original message by denimdestroyedmylife on May 3, 2006 10:07 AM

I ordered my samurais directly from Samurai too.


check these out too, flat head 4001


measurements here http://item.rakuten.co.jp/bears/theflathead-3001/ though Bears' measurements are usually a bit off, but it gives an idea.

The Fullcount 1474s are also slim but not low rise.

the Ironhearts I linked are dyed blue and then I think they're garment dyed black, so the weft is black as well. They have a pair on their Specials page.

våran panel tycker att man ska koka pastan i två år

Edited by horriblyjollyjinx on May 3, 2006 at 10:21 AM

Edited by horriblyjollyjinx on May 3, 2006 at 10:21 AM

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