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my apcs ripped

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so i was skating in my rescues that ive been working on the last 3 months (no wash, regular starching). theyre starting to look real good. but they ripped a good 5-6 inches in the crotch. not sure exactly how to go about mending them, anyone got ideas? id like to be able to still skateboard in them, but im not too confident that thats gonna work out for me. if i just straight up sew em back together, will that make the left leg (the side the rips on) significantly tighter?

i just did a relatively heavy starch on them, so im thinking that contributed quite a bit to the ripping. thanks a lot for your help.


Edited by 350poundhotcakes on Apr 30, 2006 at 06:12 PM

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the other lesson would be: learn the value of a good tailor.

if you want your repair to hold up, take it to a professional - a whip-stitch with mom's sewing kit is not going to cut it, and a tailor won't charge you any more than $10 or $15.

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^ thanks a lot snugglepony...what kind of repair work is a tailor gonna do? its in the crotch, so it doesnt have to be super well done, relatively unseen place on a pair of jeans, unless youre a weirdo. dont know if itd be better to maybe use a patch or just sew it up, nor do i think that i could locate much thats gonna look like the denim. but ill bring em to a tailor and hopefully get things worked out.


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my pleasure, hotcakes.

below are a few photos of some cheap levis i had repaired in the crotch - basically, a tailor will place a small piece of a similar denim inside, then ziz-zag over the tear and the patch, integrating the two.


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^that looks great actually...cant even really tell it was repaired, just looks like an over faded patch on the jeans. thanks for the pics.

and marquischacha, ive recently bought some 501s for the job, but skating was doing wonders to the fading/whiskering/honeycombs (jeans looked like they were @ about 4 months when they were at 2.5-3), and i liked to be able to just grab my skateboard and skate without changing...probably gonna skate in em again once theyre repaired.


Edited by 350poundhotcakes on May 1, 2006 at 11:06 AM

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