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Prom TUXEDO Help!!!


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Me personally... Go with a brown shirt, and orange tie.

But since you want to look sleek and modern, (if you got the $$$) go with a Paul Smith or Dolce & Gabbana suit, preferably black, match it up with a brown shirt from either Prada or Hermes, with a creative tie pattern with orange from Hermes (signature color is orange). And definetely lose the vest, vest is too classic looking. And try to get a stiff, slim tie if possible

Edited by chinoyboi on Apr 27, 2006 at 10:12 PM

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ok this is a lil off topic but im havin prom outfit trouble also... prom is saturday and dont kno wat to where... dont want to go the traditional way by wearin a tux... but it still has to be formal in a way... i bought a burgundy velvet ben sherman blazer... and i have some pretty slim black slacks but i dont kno wat to do about shirt and try and everythin... i dont want to where a dress shirt was thinkin maybe a tee and i need to tie the burgundy in somewhere else (wat thinkin shoes or tie) dont kno wat to do about shirt but wast thinkin about white wit gold on it to maytch my white and gold sp optics... plz help

Cheese=Rat; Rats=Cats; Cats=Dogs; Dogs=Bitches; BITCH ALWAYS OUT TO PUT THEIR PAWS ON UR RITCHES!!!

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These kids are probably in high school and you guys are suggesting shit like Dior and Paul Smith and Hermes. Haha what the fuck! I just wore a plain classic black suit and white shirt for my prom. And yes, black and brown are hard to match so I wouldn't deal with that.

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I would advise staying away from the black and brown as well. Don't dig on him too much, he probably just wants to look different from every other highschooler at Prom.

As a highscooler myself, I'm down with that. You can pick up Paul Smith at reasonable prices from certain places.

I'll probably just bribe my parents into buying a really nice suit in exchange for actually going to the damn prom (personally I'm all for going somewhere and doing something fun with my date rather than boring high-school posture-fests), I'd wear the damn thing all year long.

Check out the Style Forum, that's more oriented to the suit-side of things, but if anyone says anything about "bespoke" just ignore them.

i t a l i c s f o r l i f e


Edited by Servo2000 on May 10, 2006 at 08:21 PM

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These kids are probably in high school and you guys are suggesting shit like Dior and Paul Smith and Hermes. Haha what the fuck! I just wore a plain classic black suit and white shirt for my prom. And yes, black and brown are hard to match so I wouldn't deal with that.

--- Original message by high_contrast on May 10, 2006 08:04 PM

Same here...kinda.

I wore a Dior shirt instead of a normal dress shirt, it looked better than most people who had gone standard because of the shirt.

But sticking to the general aesthetic can't go wrong.

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my senior ball is coming up soon...

just wanted to get some opinions...

i was thinking about going in a suit rather than a tux...

would that be alright? not sure...cause everyone is going out to rent tuxs...and its not cause i wanna standout or look different, etc... i just like the way suits look compared to tuxs...

and for my color...

i was gonna go in a dark grey/charcoal suit, white shirt, slim black tie

with either

a) brown dress shoes, brown belt

b)white dress shoes, white belt

c)white "lowkey" sneakers (like those german military sneaks, chucks, etc...), white belt

im still not too sure about the white...i dunno...

ill probably be able to decide once i actually go out and try the stuff on...see what looks best

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Prom's on friday!

I'm going in a black H&M faux silk suit (tailored in to chest size 33) and a white Dior shirt i picked up @ the salvation army. I threw on a vintage belt w/ gold-ish buckle, and black on black patent leather dunks w/ gold laces and gold stitching. gold tie, gold breast handkerchief.

Does anyone know how to rock a tie-pin btw?

white shirt is essential...apparently its a staple of evening wear, and it looks cleaner.

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Quote: Never pair a tie's color or pattern with your pocket square

good call.

I was planning to contrast the boutonnier and go with pink (sp?). what hanky color would you suggest then?

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Although the dunks are funny in a gimmicky kind of way, you should treasure looking gentlemanly and make your lady proud to be walking aside such a dashing example of formal splendor; i.e. don't fuckin' ruin it by wearing dunks........

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yeah they're going to be a one time thing...I appreciate your verbal eloquence though.

Quote: .e. don't fuckin' ruin it by wearing dunks........

they're conservative; not some retarded cheesy colorway, just a pair of shiny black, non-SB dunks that my pant openings fit over. Hell, they resemble dress shoes. I'll encounter more black and white affairs when i'm older, but meanwhile, I still need to graduate. Peeps are showing up with pimp canes, feathered fedoras, and fucking iced chalices. To further illustrate the degree high school kids are willing to stand out, this couple apparently showed up in a duct-tape outfit last year. THAT's gimmicky. I though Virginia was higher then this.

I decided to switch to a plain white french-cuffed piece w/ links and a black silk skinny tie. Jacket came in and the puffy tie made the slim cut look hideous. I'm keeping the cream/off-white hankey. I forgot it was all about contrast.

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yeah they're going to be a one time thing...I appreciate your verbal eloquence though.

Quote: .e. don't fuckin' ruin it by wearing dunks........

they're conservative; not some retarded cheesy colorway, just a pair of shiny black, non-SB dunks that my pant openings fit over. Hell, they resemble dress shoes. I'll encounter more black and white affairs when i'm older, but meanwhile, I still need to graduate. Peeps are showing up with pimp canes, feathered fedoras, and fucking iced chalices. To further illustrate the degree high school kids are willing to stand out, this couple apparently showed up in a duct-tape outfit last year. THAT's gimmicky. I though Virginia was higher then this.

I decided to switch to a plain white french-cuffed piece w/ links and a black silk skinny tie. Jacket came in and the puffy tie made the slim cut look hideous. I'm keeping the cream/off-white hankey. I forgot it was all about contrast.

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nothing matches a brown dress better than a powder blue suit ala dumber and dumber.

if you're not feeling that ballsy...i'd go with a black suit, the brown shirt...and a sweet tie. i like the orange accents. it'll show that you know that your doing far beyond your 17 yr old peers.

but im still rooting for the powder blue siut and little bit of confidence soup on the side.

Well behaved women rarely make history...

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i recommend all-over gucci print on your suit and jordans....haaaaaaa

the whole point of wearing a tuxedo is adhering to tradition, trying to "innovate" on it is a trashy move and definitely should not be attempted by infrequent tux wearers. the suit is black, it has shawl or peak lapels, piping on the legs etc. the shirt is white. bow tie completes the look.

you could match your tie/cummerbund (vest is also a no no) to your date's dress. i don't see any problem with black/white/brown combo so long as the brown is a light shade. better yet, you could stay black with the tie/cummerbund and find some light brown silk knot cufflinks or studs for your shirt. if you're really into the matching your date idea you could try matching one of the above to something else like the color of her eyes.

don't wear sneakers lest people mistake you for some badass rebel.

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my first post isn't showing so i'll just add it here, that's how helpful i am...

the whole point of wearing a tuxedo is adhering to tradition. trying to "innovate" on it is a trashy move and should not be attempted by infrequent tux wearers. the suit is black. it has shawl or peak lapels, piping on the legs etc. the shirt is white. a bow tie completes the look. anything else and you might as well be wearing gucci print and jordans.

about matching: you could wear a brown tie/cummerbund (vest is a no no). i think black/white/brown would look good so long as the brown is a light shade. better yet, keep the tie/cummerbund black, and wear some light brown silk knot cufflinks or studs for your shirt. if you're really into the matching your date idea, you could try matching one of the above to something else like the color of her eyes.

dont wear sneakers lest people mistake you for a badass rebel.


to the guy thinking of wearing a gray suit: no. wear the tux, you will like it.

to the original poster who is worried about looking sleek: the tuxedo looks sleek by design. if you are young and sleek you will look like it.

Edited by scientific on May 17, 2006 at 09:55 PM

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is it safe to assume that people on this board are skeptical of renting tuxes? I know I am. Would you rather rent a tux or buy a more versatile suit for the same price? High school fashion-forwards are $pent.

It just so happens, scientific, that I was voted most likely to land in jail icon_smile_cool.gif. Style is innovation. I guess some people are more accustomed to put ink on paper rather then read what others wrote. Actually, fuck it, people dont like being branded as trend-setters. This doesnt mean you should go out of your way to look like a street clown out of a japanese fashion magazine.

Go with the suit. Do whatever feels right. Feel assured by the fact that you put more time into your outfit then everyone else did, but don't try too hard to stand out.

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Quote: I was voted most likely to land in jail

is this supposed to impress me? fyi landing in jail is a bad thing. getting voted most likely to land in jail is even worse because it shows that you are probably a huge poser.

renting a tux is a good move. it's unlikely that you will have much need to wear one after graduating, so buying doesn't make much sense.

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NO...it was a hint at sarcasm, since only "rebel badasses" that go against the norm land in jail, right? FYI, I wouldnt mind jail, aside from the guard beatings, the seizing of rations, and the rape. In the asshole. So i guess you're right, you couldnt call it a "good thing."

Quote: huge poser

I can name one thing worse then getting the "most likely to land in jail" superlative, and thats "best dressed." I'd happily take jail-meat of the year over best dressed, or being the envy of all the homos that share jeans with their girlfriends. Then again, I guess it doesnt matter, since apparently there's nothing worse then wearing sneakers to a high school prom. Alright I'll quit the shit. I really appreciate how concerned you are for my outfit though. icon_smile_big.gif

I suggested buying a suit and tailoring it simply because some people couldnt stand wearing something and not owning it, and tux/tailor companies never stock the stuff that people like us hound over. I don't own a tux either, and I'm not sure how much I'd be willing to spend on a quality one. It's beyond my budget nonetheless.

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