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Samurai - need to buy

Paul T

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Just got a decent sum for a pair of 80s redlines on the 'bay, and I thought I'd blow the cash on a pair of kids' Samurai jeans, so my nipper can turn his elementary school chums onto decent denim.

I emailed Samurai. No reply. Has anyone here managed to buy from them direct? Or are there any Japanese residents with a PayPal account prepared to help me out in return for a nice book on denim??

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read DENIM: from Cowboys to Catwalks while the future was crashed. should be required reading here. would cut down on a lot of the questions that clutter up the board.

i have no input on the samurai jeans for nippers, unfortunately.

Edited by denimdestroyedmylife on Apr 26, 2006 at 03:27 PM

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