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bang bang in my apc's


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We'll it's been a while since i've taken my trusty AK-47 and james bond style 380 out shooting, in my APC's no doubt. Today was really nice, so i thought i'd call up my cousin and see if he wanted to go down to the river and shoot. So we all loaded up in the the truck (my girlfriend included) and headed to the river. We had a couple shotguns, a savage .17, the AK, a p-22 handgun and my 380. Lots of stuff got made into swiss cheese: a vacuum, a toy robot, foot rest, cans, bricks...... oh yeah, and my cousin's truck. He was plinking at the with the little .17; so, i thought i'd give it a few 7.62 holes. Third shot....... oops, hit the rim. It was really funny, and we had a great time. Check out the pics:




Notice all the holes behind the wheel well and the hole in the rim

Edited by batorizer on Apr 25, 2006 at 05:18 AM

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Last I checked, and I'm not 100% sure, but aren't one of those guns illegal in the US unless you have it de-automaticed (is that even possible???). I sit really good to post your face with it?

And also, that truck is freaking hilarious. We had this one broken car that over the couse of a summer we shot up, base ball batted, drop kicked out a window, etc... it was really fun. Ahhh to be 14 again....

Don't you hate in when you're in a line and there's that guy like right behind you and you can feel him almost touching you, hovering near you, in your personal space and all you want to do is turn around and scream, "move three feet back before I beat you," but you don't? They'd put you in a strait jacket if you did, and it is soooo hard to find a pair of shoes that match those.

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It is absolutely insane to see pics like this being from urban Canada, where there definately is not that big of gun culture (exception being hunting, but even then). To see handguns and an AK is creates quite the dissonance.

"Trying to ban the ak, I got ten of 'em stashed with a case of hand grenades"

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yes, i know that these pictures make me look like a complete redneck. but it's okay, i had a lot of fun. that particular rifle was legally purchased at a gun show and is semi-auto. it is an egyptian remake of the russian rpk, which has a 4 inch longer barrel. I'm about to loose the folding stock and go with an original rpk wooden paddle stock

and don't worry, the kids were safe. i didn't have one chambered in the 380

Edited by batorizer on Apr 25, 2006 at 05:22 AM

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Look, let's take it easy on the redneck jargon. If you take the gun out of his hands he would not look any different than anybody else on this site. (nice fit by the way). And why is it ok to liberally apply what I consider to be a derogatory term "redneck". I must agree with the previous poster's comment on you placement of the handgun. Very dangerous and ill advised.

Finally, your girlfriend is quite a beauty and you are a lucky man.

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Look, let's take it easy on the redneck jargon. If you take the gun out of his hands he would not look any different than anybody else on this site. (nice fit by the way). And why is it ok to liberally apply what I consider to be a derogatory term "redneck". I must agree with the previous poster's comment on you placement of the handgun. Very dangerous and ill advised.

Finally, your girlfriend is quite a beauty and you are a lucky man.

--- Original message by damnIam on Apr 25, 2006 05:22 AM

On the GF, I`d like to know how you can tell? From that angle she could possibly have down syndrome..

Got W)Taps? The United Snakes of America: http://stores.ebay.com/Cobra-Command

LEAD, FOLLOW OR GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY. EVERYBODYS GONNA DIE. 12345666789 - this guy is nuts, I gotta get me more I:M!

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She has a perfect body for the "Jeans" and I was referring to that although I doubt seriously she looks like she has any kind of syndrome other than HOTNESS SYNDROME. Why so mean this morning Milspex? There are never pics of girls on this website and it is a nice change to see one.

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thanks for the comments on my chick, she will really appreciate it. after the nudies i've been waiting on get here i'll take a couple shots of her wearing them before i get in em and stretch them out

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man...why would you post of picture of yourself with a rifle? and a handgun!....you dont look any cooler with it.. you actually look like a complete knob ... but hey, at least this wont help glamourize guns...frigging meat-heads.......just because your dick is a dink doesnt mean you need to compensate with a rifle (..nice shoes junior, what are you like..a size 5 or something?)....loser!

Edited by Whodinihimself on Apr 25, 2006 at 08:47 AM

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What does this post have to do with denim? Someone lock this thread.

By the way, puting a pistol in your waist is probably the dumbest thing a gun owner can do. I shouldn't even have to explain why...

Plus you look like Hilary Swank from Boys Don't Cry... Ha...


...And are you waring Heelys?


Edited by TragicBliss on Apr 25, 2006 at 09:17 AM

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man...why would you post of picture of yourself with a rifle? and a handgun!....you dont look any cooler with it.. you actually look like a complete knob ... but hey, at least this wont help glamourize guns...frigging meat-heads.......just because your dick is a dink doesnt mean you need to compensate with a rifle (..nice shoes junior, what are you like..a size 5 or something?)....loser!

Edited by Whodinihimself on Apr 25, 2006 at 08:47 AM

--- Original message by Whodinihimself on Apr 25, 2006 08:43 AM

Here in the USA we are allowed to purchase and own firearms legally if we have a permit. We are also allowed to post pics of us using said firearms. All perfectly legal and acceptable. Your comments have absolutely fuck all to do with anything except your views on firearms. Your insults clearly convey your decided lack of information on the topic. If you are against firearms what does that have to do with the mans shoes for chrissake.

Basically, if you are against firearms then say so, it is your right. But if you can't intelligently defend your position then why bash the guys shoes and call him ugly names and insulting the size of his manhood which has nothing to do with either his shoes or his firearms. I have seen pics posted on this website of things far weirder than a legally owned and legally modified assault rifle.

PEOPLE ARE EVIL and they have killed each other with impunity and ferocity long before the invention of gun powder. A gun can be a a tool of violence, just like a knife, a bomb, or a pair of knuckle dusters or for that matter the wheel.

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