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Are there any markets left untapped? Where demand for "Huf" type store exist.


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yo man, you need to expand your horizons outside of skate. Keep the skate asthete so you can get more shoe accounts. maybe add some vintage vinyl, and vintage clothing for the college kids. spend a little dough and go to the pool tradeshow and bring in some ill shit that those Razorbacks aint ne'er seen. you can even do some safer hip brands, modern amusement, le tigre, fred perry,---the names that some of the kids may have heard...then throw in some new shit. You gotta make them want what you got. If the store looks ill and has a good vibe and is really slick, then the kids are gonna want to be setting new trends by shopping with you. If the market doesn't exist, create it. BTW, college kids are the shit. Where else do you have kids with their own or parent's money, and they need to wear casual clothes every day? You go older than that and they are only buying ill shit for the weekend. You go younger than that and the kid's lives are so based on peer pressure that they won't take any chances. That's why whenever I meet a free thinking under 18 year old in my shop I let them know how bad fucking ass they are. And when they get to college they will be pulling more wool or penis than anyone else. I loved going to college and seeing these kids who relied on their lineage their whole lives to be cool just fade away because in the end they were another pretty face with 0 substance. anyways, I'm ranting now and I need to go out, so keep us posted on this trip to Fayetteville and don't get lost on any back roads. yeeeee-haaawww!


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So I made my trip to fayetteville Saturday and it looks great.. I am going to call tommorow to start negotiating with the mall about the available spot that we agreed on. I will keep everyone updated as it goes down if you guys care...

:: Damon ::

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hey guys. NC hasn't been slept on! We just opened about 9 months ago. Check us out. We are in Charlotte! Also, right beside us is Blacksheep. They have some pretty ill skate lines. They have Supra, SB, Matix, etc. It's challenging to say the least to break in to a new market, so good luck. One thing you have going for you is you are a skate shop. No matter where you go you will have that following. Opening a "street" boutique somewhere new is crazy. Some people are really stoked and some people don't know what the hell to think.

ck out www.thenichemarket.com. I'm too retarded to figure out how to link stuff on here.

<a href ="http://www.thenichemarket.com/" target= blank">theNicheMarket.com</a>

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