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Licensing Photos

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So as you know, I am propsing a business plan to design/produce/market t-shirts.

Dose anyone have info on liscensing photos for printing on shirts?

Who do I need to go to?

What if I purchase the image from a photo archive or something like corbis.com?

What if I take no actions to get permission?

I know there are a bunch of industry people here who have some experience so any help would be appreciated.

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depends on the image library.

When we buy from PA Photos (now Empics) we have to say how big we will use it, how big our circulation is, and the cost is worked out from that.

I'm sure if you contact them they will give to a price ...

[edit: this is for magazines/websites]

You could just steal it and weigh up the chances of being caught (fairly slim unless you are a massive company)

Edited by Cue on Apr 6, 2006 at 08:17 AM

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I believe that if you do an artistic rendering of the photo (such as a halftone screen) and place a disclaimer on your website that it is a parody - that you're more or less allowed to use a celebrity or public figure image. Does anyone know the exact legal situation with this?

If you want to use the exact, unaltered pic - and you go through a stock agency, then you're likely to shell out a lot of cash.

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I was lookign around on corbis and found a picture of ghostface, granted it is not the one I want for $300 that I could use.

I don't want to alter the picture in anyway, but If i could get away with it I might be able to think of something. Does anyone know more about what Schatz is talking about?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest StuckOnStupid

I am imagining what your shirts will look like and I am just getting so furiously mad at you. The last thing the world needs is fucking Ghostface shirts from Thornhill.

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If you are going to be selling a product with the image on it you need to say so when you contact the owner of the image. Your price for the usage will probably be different that the basic usage fee. If you don't get the correct permission the owner could sue you for money, damages, take your unsold stock, etc. Photographers don't mess around with people using their images without permission, so I would be very careful about doing so.

Edited by arem on Apr 26, 2006 at 01:04 PM

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Hey Kyle,

I am guessing there is a shite load of really accomplished artists of Superfuture, why not put the word out and commission some work, take submissions etc. You could get some really crazy original stuff happening. So could pay em' up front or give them some action on the back end. I know It's not a fresh idea, but I bet there are some gems out there. Thats my copper anyway


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