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http://www.e2nd.net are dishonourable liars


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Bought some Samurai S512xxbc2's from this store via Juno.They arrived and are a lot smaller than stated ( obviously checked via email before purchase ) and this store say it is their policy not to exchange - even for the same item in the right fuckingsize, a larger size, or another item. Even if they gave the wrong information in the first place. Fucking cheats.Contrast that with 45 RPm who make a mistake and the whole company works to rectify it on a global basis. I've probably spent $2,000 of hard earned fucking money on my 10 year long interest in Japanese denim with Juno over the past couple of months and I swear no more of my money is going to these fucking swindlers at e2ndrate.net- where the customer is irrelevant. Obviously no offense and without prejudice, just hope no-one else loses the way I have. May they rot in hell.

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maybe you got the wrong person on the phone

couldn't hurt to call again and speak to someone else

that's what i do whenever i don't like the service i'm getting

i had a problem with something i got at 45rpm in tokyo - the first person i spoke with told me it was too late to exchange, so i checked the next day and another person said they'd take care of it

don't freak out - there's lots of ways to handle this

if juno used rakuten there may be some remedy there

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I'm not blaming Juno ! ( I just ordered 5 pairs of jeans more from him!) He has tried to negotiate with them for any exchange ( and this was all within 1 day of me receiving them so there was no problem on time etc, there was no special deal - $313 - they're not seconds etc) but the store have refused point blank just to exchange for a different size or model if they don't have the size. I can't talk to them direct as I don't speak Japanese but I have never encountered anything this poor before from any store.

Another remedy I have by the way is to go to the credit card company and dispute the payment - but I guess that just hits Juno not the store......unless he does the same........

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Yes - especially if they sell the wrong size ! Also, 45 rpm were superb, and the New York store helped when I had to return to the online store. Which is why I bought some Jomons from the New York store, and why I won't be buying anything else from e2nd.net.

Re the post saying e2nd had been cool had that person ever had to exchange anything with them? I guess that would indicate their policy.

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"have refused point blank just to exchange for a different size or model if they don't have the size"

did you try to return it for a size they had in stock? if so that's weird.

do they not have the right size in stock so you are trying to exchange them for a different model? did they tell you they didn't have the size so you asked for a different model? that's a little different. it shouldn't be a big deal, i personally wouldn't care, but I can see how they wouldn't want to deal with it.

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If you ordered one size and were shipped another, then dispute the charge. In that case, you were sent merchandise that was different from what you ordered - and that's a violation of the store's merchant account.

Call your credit card company and tell them the details. Then, you can fax them a copy of your order confirmation (with the correct size listed) and a photo of your jeans size tag (showing the incorrect size received). Bang - you'll get an immediate refund. And the people who took the payment - be it the store or Juno - will think twice about shipping incorrect product the next time around.



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how are they a lot smaller than stated?

are they mismarked or prewashed and have shrunk to the wrong size?

if there's some problem with the jeans then go directly to samurai

if you ordered the wrong size that's something else ... like if they told you a 30 waist measured 32", or if you ordered the size they sent you and you found out later it's not right for you (in which case it's not the store, juno's or samurai's responsibility) then you may have no recourse except to call the store again

in this case it's better to tell us more about what happened so people who know more about these things can make better suggestions

the store may not end up taking them back

there may be something on their website which states their return/exchange policy (or lack of it - maybe this is one of the reasons a lot of these japanese stores won't ship internationally)

while that's not exactly cool and i can't say i understand it you still don't need to get upset

samurai's are very desired jeans

you can resell them for probably about what you paid for them

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no, i haven't had to exchange anything with them

but my dealings with them have been pleasant and they will ship internationally

or at least would up until now

if you dispute the charge you'll be hurting juno and i doubt the credit card company will allow the dispute unless he shipped you something you didn't order (eg. a size 36 instead of a 32)

but really, what do you mean by "wrong size"? mismarked or defective product?

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im japanese, and i just checked their customer service section. they do accept returns if the item arrive at the store within 7days after you recieve them. they clearly state that they wont accept anything getting to them later than that. does this explain something??

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Thanks for all the posts - I told Juno within 10 minutes of them arriving.I think I understand the problem now.Because I ordered so much from Juno he has held on to jeans before sending them to me in order that he can send say 4 jeans at a time ( as happened in this case ).By the way i didn't ask for this to happen, nor did I benefit from lower shipping charges it's just the way he works.In future I will order 1 pair at a time ! Always ! So I place say 4 orders over 4-5 days and he keeps them till he thinks I won't order more then sends all 4.So I can see that given shipping times it could be 10 days before he contacts the store and says they're the wrong size can I exchange.They say no - which to me still seems absolutely unreasonable - what I said was can I have a bigger size or if you don't have that in stock can I exchange for another item.In fact the measurement is about 33.5-34 waist when I was told the wasit would be 35.Doesn't sound much but I might have had a chance of stretching them at that size, I've got no chance now because of the cut.So I guess I'll have to sell them but I am really pissed off that a store DID give the wrong information and point blank refuses to exchange even though I am totally flexible as to what they exchange for as long as it fits. So fuck 'em.

I've ordered the s512bc3 in a w36 unwashed which apparently is a lot bigger waist.....obviously from another store.

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Hey man, this whole situation sucks, but its really hard exchanging merchandise and shit when you go through a middleman. I mean, even ordering clothes online is a risk when you don't have a chance to try it on before you buy. I think the jeans will stretch though, you might want to think about keeping them. But all in all its situations like this we have to put up with to get elusive Japanese denim!

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so you ordered a size 34 then? and the waist is 34

seems like there's not much of a problem

the waist will stretch an inch if you wear them

it's hard to communicate with these stores if you don't speak japanese, even with a middleman

it would be good to know how the communication went before slandering them - i'm assuming they communicated with juno and not you so perhaps there was some miscommunication or an error converting cm to inches somewhere in there. and how can you be absolutely sure this was all the stores fault if you didn't talk to them directly?

while it sucks they won't exchange them they do state their exchange policy on their website

they're not trying to sell to foreigners

at this point it's not their problem and they're not "dishonourable liars" for sticking to their policy, however you may feel about it

also you can't really compare this to the situation with 45rpm where the company that sold the product also made them and those were mislabelled - clearly their mistake and they were honorable in rectifying it

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I ordered a w35 on the basis it would stretch to a w36.The actual size is about 1.5 inches smaller than I was told they are by the store via Juno as below :

juno <juno@bid-service.jp> wrote:


this is one washed

w35 is actual sz.

It isn't !

Hence my annoyance !

I wasn't annoyed at the fact that the store have made a mistake, I was annoyed that they wouldn't rectify it even though I was prepared to be fully flexible and pay all postage myself.I will withdraw the post title that they are dishonourable liars, but I stick to the view that they are in the wrong by whatever criteria you wish to apply, and whether they want to sell to foreigners or not they have given their customer -Juno - wrong information and are refusing to rectify it. In my opinion, and others will obviously disagree, this is poor customer service and at the very least I guess the value of this post is that people can buy from them with the full understanding of the risks involved and make an informed decision on that basis.

I guess the best route for me is to put these on ebay !

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ok - if you got a 35 and the waist is that small than you should contact samurai directly

according to their measurements those jeans should shrink to around 34.5" at the low end, so these may be mislabelelled 34's

it would be interesting to know how samurai handles this

knowing this i think you should hold off on getting 36's as the waist on those will be about 36" - 36.5"

i'm sorry this has happened to you but i still think you have options

the store has poor customer service in this regard, they obviously didn't measure these specific jeans but did juno call them the one time only? maybe if he calls back and talks to the manager it could help. maybe he just spoke to the wrong person.

call the store again

and call samurai and tell them what happened

0120-3601-89 toll free in japan

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the reason you are getting a different measurement is that you do not measure them like Samurai




this gives the correct measurement. measuring the back of the waistband does not.

1.5" sounds like what the different between these measurement techniques would be.

they will definitely stretch 1.5" inches, probably 2".

våran panel tycker att man ska koka pastan i två år

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good point hjj

maybe the mods should change the title of this thread to something more informative like "be careful ordering expensive items you can't try on and aren't familiar with from a store you can't communicate with directly while using a middleman to make the transaction" and include a subtitle like "and be aware of the store's return policy before committing to your purchase (because sometimes it sucks)".

just a suggestion

and for LFC4ever i still think you should keep the ones you have - they will stretch

it would suck if you get the 36's only to find out in a few weeks they're too big

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why dont you just sell them to someone here, no problems.

everyone is always trying to buy this brand so I dont know what you are worrying about.

In effect, it would cost you more to post them back to Japan etc, rather than just "over price" on supermarket and get your money back and order another pair.

You would also have to pay alot to sned them back to Japan registered and insured, surely?

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Yeah, it's about $20 for airmail signed for delivery.I had put them on Supermarket and got no response so I guess that's why I was concerned, but you're right if I do a search on ebay I can't find any for sale so it should be OK.I'm off to the US for a week now so I'll put them on when I get back.

Thanks to all for the help and advice

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