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XL Wings And Horns Fall and Winter Jackets


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I have done loads of sales/trades here, just ask nimo,JdMay,rudo,Quills, jefferysoo, greydot,treasurehoard, snozepp147, popeyejawns, arlee, imhotep, greydot, defpoetry, xh0llyw00dx, jhohnny_herb, foboblus, Imhotep, Nullsleep, c.r.e.a.m., algernon, danieldy, akoult,joey_formal, lambs, raddy , francojean23, highcontrast, BostonWardrobe,thebreaks, beatle,rhizome,kyee87,patrickamory, JamesVincent,jamesd, vee_kung, drexl, ardeetee , BAGUETTE, snozepp147,DoogieHowser,Fu ture Z, apparition,Archaics,Lc21

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A couple requests for the measurements of the wool coat

Shoulder to shoulder 18

Pit to pit 22 1/4

Length 34

This retailed for $565, please keep this in mind whenm sending offers ( I know its out of season for winter coats,but please dont attempt to rape me:D)

The lighter coat is a heavy %100 cotton, almost a canvas type feel without being overly stiff. Measurements as requested

Shoulder to Shoulder 18.5

Pit to pit 22.5

Length 30.5

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