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Altering Denim Leg Openings.


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Hey everybody,

I've read before a lot of people dont like altering Denim length or Waste width out of fear that it will throw off the whole look of denim. I have also heard others argue they have been successful. Has anyone had ther leg openings altered with success? I have a pair of jeans that fit great everywhere except for a flarish boot cut opening that really angers me. So is it possible to give them a straighter/tighter opening without completely compromising the fit of the jean as a whole? Will it just look silly? Thanx a lot for any help guys.

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my tailor in portland's done some great work on two pairs of jeans for me - basically taking bootcuts and turning them into straight legs or slight tapers - with no problems. i had one done from the inside seam and one from the outseam and they both worked fine. just ask your tailor if they're comfortable doing it, and make sure you don't just say, "take this from a 25cm opening to a 20cm opening," - try the jeans on and have them pin the opening and lower leg to where you want it.

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several of my jeans have been tapered in to perfection. i always take my favorite fitting pair (cm overdye) and have the tailor place the cm on top of the other pair, and alter them exactly from the knee down and the result is always amazing.

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ive done a few pairs myself and theyve come out good. not perfect but definatly wearable. i dont think id do it on some expensive jeans tho, take em to a pro. ill try to get some pics of the levis i took in. they were straight from the crotch down, and i tapered them to 7 1/2" across at the knee and 7" across at the hem. the only thing is one of my calves is bigger than the other so it feels strange, but looks good.

simplicity we use to survive, do what you doing properly, thats the way thru life

Edited by cheapmuthafukr on Apr 6, 2006 at 05:28 AM

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