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Childhood Shenanigans


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wasn't going to contribute because it seemed the flow of stories was slowing down

but brad pitt, your story about bathroom lights made me remember this

when i was a kid we used to turn off the lights at school while people were shitting, the lights werent a switch it was like tamper proof but if you used a dime or a card you could flip it

anyways one time we did it and the kid didn't come out for a very very long time

when he came out

it was this cripple retard



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one time this senior I knew at another school tried to run me over on my badass single speed banana-seat bicycle with his car, so I stole some butyric acid and put it in the space between the driver side window and the rubber seal on the door

Du never drove with his windows up after that, even in the rain or snow.

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When I was a kid, I used to get this magazine which sold all kinds of outdoor/military stuff (knives, scopes, hunting gear, etc.). So, I bought a shit load of these police grade smoke bombs using a forged check from my mom’s checkbook.

So, I bring said smoke bombs to my friend’s house and we are wandering around looking for a way to use them, and we see a local AYSO soccer game going on at a school. So, my friend and I go around to the back of the school, and set up a bunch of these smoke bombs with a cigarette as a timer. The school is at the foot of a decent sized hill, so we walk up the hill to get a bird’s eye view of the scene.

The smoke bombs go off, the soccer game breaks up and everyone is freaking out trying to figure out the source of the fire and eventually two fire trucks show up. My friend and I are sitting up on the hill smoking a joint and laughing our asses off.

Good idea for a thread!

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holy jesus^^^

this one time we saw a kid that we all despised going into the toilet cubicle. we filled up one of those huge juice containers with water, busted into the next door cubicle, stood on the toilet and sprayed it over the wall all over the dude while he took a shit.

ran like hell and waited for him to come out, defeated.

these are the things:


another thing you can do is, fill the thing with water (dont wanna be wasting juice), then offer it to an unsuspecting friend to have a sip (with the lid closed). as he goes to take it off you, squeeze the shit out of it, the top pops open and jets the dude in the face.

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when i was like 4 or 5 years old i helped one of my cousins rob his class room.

like i was too young to know that what i was doing was wrong so i just went along cause he was older. he just kept telling me, 'my teacher wants us to clean the garbage out of the room so help me and my friends carry some of the smaller things'

so it was mostly throwing away teachers editions and what not, but in hind sight that was kind of a dick move.

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i remember waiting at the bus stop with some of my friends in elementary school and we found some glas shards. of course the only stupid idea we could come with was take some dirt and set it up in a crack in the road so it pointed upwards. we waited for the first couple of cars to pass, no luck.

but then this girl in a small renault drives past and perfectly hits the shard and of course we cheer because you could hear the air escaping from the tire as she drove on. so our bus comes and we get on and see the girl walking back down the road where she came from, holding something in her hand (probably a piece of the glass) i felt really bad then, oh well :rolleyes:

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not my story, this is from my sophomore-year college roommate.

he was working at cluck U fried chicken in NJ, which has this sauce called the 911 sauce that's so spicy that you have to sign a waiver to eat it. Well evidently the secret ingredient is pure powdered capcaisin, which you add about a teaspoon to like a huge tub of the regular hot sauce.

So one day this guy came in and was bragging about how all hot sauce was shit and he could eat anything, no matter how spicy. So my buddy and his coworkers decided to add like a tablespoon of this stuff to just one serving of wings. The customer took one bite, stood up, and walked out without saying a word.

I wish the ending were funnier but it's still a good prank.

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I bought a box of pop rocks. The cashier girl opened the box and began to scan each individual packet, of which there were around 50 or so. I pointed out that the box itself had a barcode, to which she replied with a blank stare of profound stupidity.

Later I filled a plastic bucket with the pop rocks and kept it by my door.

My friend used to pull pranks on me when he would come over, like putting a full paper cup of water under my pillow so that when I went to sleep later it would get crushed and spill all over the bed. We were really outdoorsy kids so a lot of the time he would end up showering at my house before going home because fuck poison oak.

So I waited until the next time we went exploring in the woods. I told him to take a shower first, because I am courteous like that. I hold open doors for ugly girls. I say bless you when people sneeze in their sleep. I'm that kind of guy.

As he was showering, I picked up the bucket of pop rocks, opened the bathroom door, and threw the contents of the bucket over the top of the shower curtain. I heard a popping sound like a minigun used by the mice of redwall(fuck yeah childhood fantasy novels), and then he screamed. The pop rocks exploded upon contact with his skin and left little red marks in their wake.

It was pretty awesome, even though he then chased me down and kicked my ass while wrapped in a shower curtain. Completely worth it.

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Until I got caught at age 12 -- by an angry stewardess -- i had a fantastic habit of fucking up airplane bathrooms. I'd shoot soap everywhere, miss, and trow TP and paper towel everywhere. this day in age that would never fly.

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As he was showering, I picked up the bucket of pop rocks, opened the bathroom door, and threw the contents of the bucket over the top of the shower curtain. I heard a popping sound like a minigun used by the mice of redwall(fuck yeah childhood fantasy novels), and then he screamed. The pop rocks exploded upon contact with his skin and left little red marks in their wake.

It was pretty awesome, even though he then chased me down and kicked my ass while wrapped in a shower curtain. Completely worth it.

That's not gay, like, at all. Nope.

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