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  2. @Dr_Heech boom! Did you go OW or raw? Looking forward to the fit pics when they come round
  3. Today
  4. Guess a new journey begins for me as my FW1942 tux landed a couple of days ago, although mine will remain on ice for now. All l can say about the quality of the workmanship in the products is that they surpass expectations. And the communication, service and extras (including attention to detail) from Hoosier was top notch.
  5. i dont think the no.2 will be a country mile off those tho: i predict there will be balloooning, saggy back rise: maybe more subtle twist than such a phat str8 leg… imma telling myself to trust the pattern cutters and the process… (plus i came to repro vintage cuts from the late 90s, specifically into lvc 1870s models and it was a natural transition) @super-thermite: very nice fit indeed! nice with loafers! suspender buttons aren’t that intrusive in practice in my experience…
  6. sounds lovely. Is this is photogram bandana? what's the dye and how did it come out?! hope you enjoy the time off work
  7. WTS sp29k-m XL 9/10 worn a few times, unfortunately too big for my liking. Will be shipped washed if needed. 250€++ ships from Germany
  8. Predicting 109 in Bakersfield tomorrow. 🥵 We won't be that hot as we're a bit higher elevation. Crazy though.
  9. Looks like a close shave @CSL glad you and yours were all out of danger.
  10. Lots in my size, but not my price range for what it is. Hope some people get some joy out of this.
  11. So this happened last week... Went outside with the dogs & saw this on the neighboring property. No one lives there but the people had come to mow the perimeter (required by law). Likely their mower blade hit a rock & sparked (apparently they had some remote controlled device). Could also have been an electrical spark. Luckily the wind was blowing away from us although we had all the pets in our vehicles ready to go. Fire crews arrived promptly, all by road rather than air although a plane did fly over to observe at one point. There is a house on the property which was spared. They lost two junk trailers which the fire crews kept a close eye on. The wind took the fire across to another property where no structures were damaged but much of the land was blackened. Once the trailers had burned down the crews made sure all hot spots were extinguished This was a second spot where I could see flames. I went & called them over but I expect they were aware. Later that night we walked around to inspect the overall damage & scope of the burn. And the day after. One of the things I found interesting was that the undergrowth had burned while the taller weeds were still present. I guess the straw/hay type dead growth burns so fast that the fire wave quickly passes by anything green. Needless to say we were relieved & thankful that our place didn't sustain any damage. Hard to say what would have happened had the wind been blowing in our direction. I had mowed a pretty wide firebreak which should have been adequate to stop the spread. This was the closest fire we had ever experienced.
  12. I would love to see a new interation of the j63(non A version). I loved the fitting and lining on it
  13. Yesterday
  14. I was able to snag #20 the well worn/faded short sleeve chambray and #45 sack pants. I’m super excited about both but mostly the sack pants since Roy never released any of those.
  15. Reminds me of that comedy song 'The Rochdale Cowboy'. "All the people laugh as I ride past on our Alsatian dog".
  16. Man’s making a killing on some of these old used shirts. They’re way out of my price range at this point (and mostly not my size anyway) but more power to him, & to anyone who’s benefitting
  17. Luckily for my wallet nothing in my size, but hope everyone got some cool stuff.
  18. Kyotos arrived today. They’re in even better condition than the photos suggested. They seem to have almost no wear - nice and hairy, very minimal roping and seam puckering, and blueberry in color. The patch still has the batwing too. I just wish that they had an extra inch in the rise. It’s been a bit since I have worn anything less than 11”. I will grab some fit and detail photos when I get the chance sometime in the next week or so.
  19. Put in an order for the #41) Brass Button Jeans. Roy was remarkably prompt in his response, and I shall be mailing him a check shortly. Having a few days to gnaw on the idea of the offerings before buying was very appreciated. Wish I was able to afford the Collect Mills Indigo shirt, but whoever gets that will have lucked out. Beautiful things for sale. Feels like the last time something like this is going to happen.
  20. J1W-GT and SP38-M are back in full size runs. What were once quickly headed for being sold out creating the classic FOMO for those questioning whether or not to purchase are now back in full stock. ACRNM2.0 has officially arrived in full force. Can i get a restock of the good stuff please E? I’d like the J28K, J43K, J1AS, and J63PB. I don’t mind settling for MiC.
  21. The Real McCoy’s MP22007 Utility N-3 Trousers (product link) Size 32 $200 shipped CONUS I warm-washed and air-dried these but they're unfortunately still too big on me. Worn only to try on. Waist: 31.5" // Front rise: 12" // Rear rise: 16" // Thigh: 12.75" // Knee: 11" // Inseam: 28.5" // Leg opening: 8.7"
  22. The description of that Moto pair makes them sound like the TCB-made 90s style cut (which Moto specifically calls out) that some people (can’t remember who exactly) were hoping for in the TCB Contest thread with the addition of suspender rivets on these. They look great
  23. @blooming Thank you! They are fun and now I'm Free Wheelers curious because I like the wide fit a lot
  24. Those are a super clean fit!
  25. As probably many of you already know, but for the ones who don’t, Roy is selling off shirts and denim from his personal collection today at noon. He set up a separate IG page @roysjubilee, and if you’re interested in an item you have to email him directly at [email protected] lots of shirts, denim, pants and shorts
  26. Motor New Vintage Old Baggy Denim Trouser in 30. Preordered them months ago after I fell in love with their shoes. I've learned from a post by @Hopethisoneisnttakenthat these are TCB's. I checked with Moto and they confirmed they were made for them by TCB-Inoue. These are super fun. No way I'll be able to tolerate the suspender buttons, so they won't be daily drivers. Still prefer the rise in FC 0105. I love the patch.
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