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Julius Elongated Double Layer Twist Knit [gray, 1] Fw0910

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First off, I cannot apologize enough for the horrifyingly terrible, but at least so bad they're funny, pictures. A friend took them for me. He's somehow worse at photography than I would have been. Oh well.

Julius double layer knit thing. Size 1. Fits oversized. Would be good for anyone from a 46 to a 50, depending on how you want it to fit. The pictures don't really capture this, but it's extremely long. About 35 inches or more. It can be worn at full length or easily bunched up. Perfect for layering. One small hole, as pictures. It's only on one layer though, so it's barely noticeable when worn.

Purchased from Minomni. Asking what I paid, SOLD in the US. A little more for overseas.






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