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Dry Cleaning New Dry Nudies


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I searched the threads that pertain to this topic, but couldn't get the answers I am looking for. I have a pair of Slim Jim Dry Japan Nudies and got mud all over them the other day. I tried to get it off with a damp cloth but too much indigo was coming off and the mud was imbedded into the denim. I opted to take them to the dry cleaners. The jeans are now clean but they are less stiff and I am afraid this will effect the fading process. I have noticed the denim has gotten softer but I don't think the color has changed at all. I have only been wearing them for 1.5 months, will they still fade accordingly? Your guys' reply to this would be a huge help.

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1) If you wanna baby your Nudies, don't wear'em if there's a risk of dirt.

2) You could have give'em a warm soak, maybe with a a little bit of shampoo e.g.

3) Every pair bleeds if it's rubbed with a sponge or cloth.

4) I don't think that "the magic process" is gone now.

5) But I think your Nudie contains a lot of chemicals now.

6) I think you'll get a bad rep while asking questions like this in a new thread.

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Thank You Dr. House. I apologized beforehand for starting a new thread on such a topic and looked through older threads. It's just that it is a concern that I had and wasn't able to find any good answers. I am also not too concerned about my "rep" on a fashion forum. I feel that I am using the forum for its intended purpose. I appreciate your help.

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