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Sugestions on suits


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I'm about to finish the gymnasium (danish high school).

When we are about to finish, we have this big party, where the girls wear these great dresses and the boys suits.

I'm planning on not buying some traditional suit, but also something i can use again afterwards.

I thought of something like this:

All black suit, and shirt, white bowtie, a white silk cummerbund, maybe a pair of gloves.

What combinations do you think are cool?

Edited by antihelt on Mar 14, 2006 at 04:29 PM

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is a butterfly a bowtie and is a stomach scarf a cummerbund?

--- Original message by ten100switch on Mar 14, 2006 02:44 PM

Haha, yes. I assumed that it was also know as a butterfly in English, since it's a English word. Should have looked them up before i posted, for that i'm sorry.

Edited by antihelt on Mar 14, 2006 at 04:29 PM

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For a high school graduation, this seems extremely formal....

you've basically described white-tie tuxedo wear, minus the coat tails, satin lapels and top hat.

I'm not sure what the typical style of dress is in Denmark for High school graduations, but anything where you think gloves are appropriate is pretty serious.

If you want to get something you can use afterwards, unless you have lots of Balls and weddings to go to, or you become some sort of high ranking diplomat, you're probably not going to come across many occasions that require this kind of dress.

i say tone it down a bit, lose the white bowtie/cummerbund/gloves, get a dark black suit with some subtle pinstriping, white shirt and skinny black tie, it'll look good.


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Actually, it's pretty formal on our school. Maybe i'll cut the cummerbund, but don't want ties, that's so traditional.

I might take a walk in Copenhagen to get some inspiration.

@ten100switch - Sure. Next time you'll be talking formal clothing with a Dane, he'll know what your talking about. You must admit, it actually looks like a butterflyicon_smile_wink.gif

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