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DH Denim - Italian vs Japanese

Ted DiBiase

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I did a little research before I bought mine (JPN made and wortht the $icon_smile.gif) Basically, PPL say that the JPN made DH jeans are generally of better quality and also that they tend to stretch less than the ITLN ones. If you want more comprehensive answers, however, I suggest either the MSN DH group


or the DH section on The Fashion Spot




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Guest Fade to Black

The production for DH jeans was done exclusively in Japan until VotC with the introduction of the broken-twill orange overdyes which were produced in Italy. With F/W 05-06 onwards more Italian made models were introduced, like the Italian raw denims, the creased indigo jeans, and the destroyed light blue jeans of this season...I've noticed that the models still made in Japan are either a) the classic models carried on since Follow Me (black or blue whiskered, Japan raw denim), or B) the jeans involving more meticulous techniques (pastel painted jeans of S/S 06, jeans involving baked creases and claw marks)...it seems more and more of the jeans are being shifted to Italian made though.

Generally I assume (for all brands of jeans) that being made in Japan is an indication of higher quality and more meticulous production methods...but i've heard lots of stories about jeans from the Follow Me/Luster period, Japanese made, that don't hold up well perhaps due to the treatment on the denim (e.g. painted, waxed jeans developing holes and being broken very fast). Personally I don't notice much of a difference in the jeans that I own, if anything the Italian made overdyes are some of the sturdiest jeans in my collection.

Usually the jeans made in Japan are more expensive than their Italian counterparts...for example the Japanese raw denims cost more than the Italian ones, etc.

Edited by Fade to Black on Mar 14, 2006 at 03:56 PM

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thanks for the insight.

i need a new pair of raw black so i will just be getting the new italian ones, but im not looking forward to having to hunt down a pair. not interested in sweating ebay, or international mail orders though.

i moved to LA from NYC not too long ago and it seems like no one even stocks the denim here. wtf

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thanks for the insight.

i need a new pair of raw black so i will just be getting the new italian ones, but im not looking forward to having to hunt down a pair. not interested in sweating ebay, or international mail orders though.

i moved to LA from NYC not too long ago and it seems like no one even stocks the denim here. wtf

--- Original message by Ted DiBiase on Mar 14, 2006 04:30 PM

You can always do a charge-send if you know what size you need. I called the NYC store a couple of months ago and they had plenty of black raw in 21cm.
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Fade, what do you know about the orange overdye from FW05? The pic of the ones on luisaviaroma have frayed edges while the ones I've seen on Japanese sites don't. Was there more than one style (hem size aside) that you know of?

I posted this on TFS but the site is down...

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Guest Fade to Black

Fade, what do you know about the orange overdye from FW05? The pic of the ones on luisaviaroma have frayed edges while the ones I've seen on Japanese sites don't. Was there more than one style (hem size aside) that you know of?

I posted this on TFS but the site is down...

--- Original message by gunpwdr on Mar 14, 2006 07:38 PM

The orange overdyes from F/W 05-06 bear a great similarity to the ones that came out during VotC...as opposed to the 'cleanly distressed' S/S 05 version (which may have been what you saw on the Japanese sites as I've seen many of them carry styles over), it had frayed pocket hems, leg hems, and in general more dirty looking whiskering and orange paint throughout the legs, and more faded appearance in general. The one distinguishing detail was the F/W 05-06 version also has a hole in the coin pocket, whereas the VotC version might have some fraying, but not the full blown ripped hole present in the 05-06. I've heard stories of the orange color of the jeans being lost with multiple washes however, so if that's the case I'd rather get the VotC version if I were you (my pair has held up extremely well after a year of wear/relatively frequent wash). There was also a version of the orange overdye that had some ugly zippers on the back pocket for F/W 05-06 that was $550 vs. the $465 regular, some made a comment about that being a very Diesel-ish detail.

Ted: Maxfield's doesn't carry the jeans? I wouldn't expect them to have the full range of denim since they're more of the avant-garde/fashion store, but from what I've heard they usually carry the signature jeans of each season. The black raw might be a bit of a dark horse though, haven't seen too many of those around except for the main boutique. I also find that the Japanese version of the blue raw denim is getting increasingly hard to hunt down, it seems most department stores nowadays just stock the Italian, which is cheaper and more accessible so it's understandable not to carry both at same time.

Edited by Fade to Black on Mar 14, 2006 at 07:55 PM

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