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New Nudie Sven: veggie vintage selvage


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why are these $1000?

(I don't mean that as a disparaging remark, I just would genuinely like to find out a bit about them and why Nudie is charging this price)

--- Original message by sneakeraddict on Apr 5, 2006 07:23 AM

I would say that these are more likely a collectors piece than anything else.

Why would Nudie charge that much? As someone else has already mentioned previously, distressing, selvage, vegetable dye, possibly very limited production. I wouldn't say hype plays a factor just yet since these are really the only 2 pairs I've heard of as of right now. If you look at it from the perspective of a collector who is looking for rare or collectible denim (and not as someone who just wants to wear the jean) then perhaps the price doesn't seem so insane given the rarity of the product. To me it comes down to the same argument concerning any collectible item, to give another example would you pay $1000 for a pair of Nikes/Adidas?

Edited by Circa on Apr 5, 2006 at 08:44 AM

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Holy buttfuck dude, those are waaaaayyy to expensive for how they look. The difference is with paying $1000 for some Nikes/Adidas/whatever is that alot of people may recognize it and say "holy shit you have the Nike x Supreme x Bape Rifts!!!," whereas NO ONE would ever recognize or appreciate $1000 veggie-dyed Nudies.....not that I would spend $1000 on shoes either way, but you see what I mean? It is not like they are going to last longer or even look better than a regular pair of Nudies.....

Edited by englandmj7 on Apr 5, 2006 at 10:00 AM

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seeing those jeans remembered me of something,

a while back like 4/5 months ago i was in the hague and there i saw these nudie jeans retailing for 280 euros. i wasnt so informed about nudie at the time so i cant rembember what model it was. the denim had a green blue ish colour and was kind of stiff. i liked them alot at the time and was wondering if anyone knows which one im talking about.

edit: they were unwashed

many thanks

--- Original message by keska on Apr 5, 2006 07:38 AM

You've pretty much described the Regular Ralf Veggie Indigo. Price sounds about right for Europe too.


--- Original message by gunpwdr on Apr 5, 2006 08:15 AM

yeah thats them!

they looked alot better in person

man i want those :(

Wanted: Sucarcanes SC40500N, Imperial kings. 31x34

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  • 1 month later...

Cannot believe i have one of those, finally!!. My another nudie collections. Here's the pics, enjoy:









Edited by nudie hunter on May 12, 2006 at 06:28 PM

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