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Scoop on Amsterdam


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Ok so I will be visiting Amsterdam in a couple of weeks and would like some orientation on the spots.

A little insight: I am not trying go for the drugs, even though they will probably end up incroporating themselved into my itinerary. I am looking for the deal on good shopping, clubs and galleries.

I am down with a Colette style store maybe even some sneakeresque elements but I am def not huge on street gear. For me tts all about the outragous or the minimal shit like Bernhard Wilhem, Jeremy Scott, Raf Simmons, Spring Courts, Comme de Garcon, Tsubi, APC, Pleasure Principle things of that nature.

As far as music goes I am into electro, dirty south hip hop, house and the occassional free jazz. Does anyone have an suggesstions? I would greatly appareciate it.

Oh yeah I heard this spot "Now and Wow" in Rotterdam is hot, I saw their website it looks bananas....any feed back?

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