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video games ruined my life


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so seems like the split screen function is good for boosting in wager games. played several games with two pairs of split screen players who obviously werent killing each other. whenever I killed one from the two pairs, the other one tried to come after me because he could obviously see where I was from his friends screen.

of course, I was too stubborn to quit so I played like 6-7 games until I managed to win. got 13 stabs in a single gun game, kept downgrading them just to piss them off :D

finished the campaign yesterday, alright I suppose. was rofl'n at the ending on the boat.

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I got it via Steam. Installed it, haven't even started it up yet. Mag says it's hella buggy. AFAIK Steam downloaded at least two patches so far.

Don't know why I even bother sometimes. I've got Civ 5, MoH, CoD:BO, and Fallout New Vegas, and I've probably spent less than an hour on them so far, combined.

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it's was borked yesterday at this time too, but this morning i had a long session without any hiccups.

there's a couple of bugs in the game and a couple of things missing for convenience - but other then that it seems ok now but i wouldn't hold my breath. (not sure if i used that expression correctly haha)

added servo, in case you do get it — who is BokchoY`ca?

add me analog, when you do decide to play. There's no pc brobocop, and that is a shame.

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i'm done w/ blackops.

trading it in for gt5.

lol why. it's not the greatest, but i like it a lot more compared to mw2. no newb tubing gayness anymore. it actually takes some skill to point and shoot.

although the knifing shit fucking drives me up the wall. i got no scope sniped when i was standing IN FRONT OF THE GUY HUGGING HIS NUTS. i tried to knife, nothing. dead. FML

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lol why. it's not the greatest, but i like it a lot more compared to mw2. no newb tubing gayness anymore. it actually takes some skill to point and shoot.

right now I'm feeling like these were easy to cope with compared to the downsides of BO - particularly the slowed down movement, ragequit worthy spawning, and the ridicilous melee - when I'm so close to a guy that falling over with a knife in hand could kill him, why can't I stab him? and whats up with the explosives, I've once actually HIT someone with the grenade launcher and not kill them.

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Edit: Damn, had this post written up about an hr ago and you guys just posted errthang I was gonna say :(

If anything, here's this. Glad we didn't brobocop to get it done ourselves. Definitely not worth it.


Yeah, I'm about ready to sell mine too.

Servers suck ass. Spawns are fucking garbage. Weapons are meh. Sniping is nearly useless because hit detection is dismal and there aren't many maps where it makes much sense. Melee is completely random. Explosives are underpowered. /rant

As deep as this game can be, I'm already bored. It's just not as polished and smooth as MW2. I personally don't even think it's better than CoD4 (which is my favorite title of the series).

I'll probably give campaign a run for some trophies and then have it up for sale.

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i was starting to actually like the game, no major lag issues or anything; working towards ninja pro and lvl 30.

then all of a sudden a bizarre notification comes up (you know when it tells you how much +xp you got, in this case it was like +6546-6151)

the server made everyone lvl. 50 with a ton of cod points.

wtf man, i feel like a cheat.

(cod4 is my favourite too, great game)

*ah fuck it, i prestiged; might as well start again :(

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