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Philadelphia: Recommendations, Critiques, etc.


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What's good everyone; as you can see im new to the boards.

I'm a 3rd Year college student currently residing in the Philly area and I'd like to ask anyone in the know about notable stores, boutiques, bookshops, record shops, etc. i've already been to south street, but that's the extent of my ventures so far. I'm from New York, so I'm not expecting too much down here, but I'd be nice to get some local perspective.



toma a�a�

Edited by azad on Feb 21, 2006 at 05:39 PM

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I haven't lived in Philly for awhile, and as a kid generally went to South st. for stuff. Sorry if I offer nothing you don't already know.

On South St., check out timezone, who tend to be a little ahead of the curve on euro-influenced shoes (haven't been there in years) and used to be the lone source for Fred Perry, Merc, etc. Couple of worthwhile thrift shops (timezone has overpriced vintage, as well), but most of these places are pretty picked over. Zipperhead for a proto-hot topic punk store.

Olympia Sports always had some cool kicks in crazy colorways. At least that's where this kid got his sauconys back in the day. I heard of a place called Afficial off of South st, but have not been there. Think they carry Bapestas etc. I believe Philly has a Puma and an Adidas store, as well.

Spaceboy and Repo records for music, repo's branch in Bryn Mawr is also nice. If you're into indie rock etc., Sean Agnew's R5 productions is one of the best all ages promoters in the country. Great acts, small and appropriate venues. r5productions.com

Haven't been to Matthew Izzo but it seems to be the closest thing to streetwear they have there. http://www.matthewizzo.com/catalog/

Boyd's for high-end men's (dress) clothes... http://www.boydsphila.com/index.asp

Of course, King of Prussia mall is ridiculous. Nieman Marcus there is solid, and the Bloomingdales isn't bad. Nice big Urban Outfitters in KoP and Philly, if that's your thing. UO and Anthropologie are HQ'd in philly, if that means anything...

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not sure where you are at, but...


1509 Walnut Street

Philadelphia PA 19103

(215) 988-0194

* hands down, good stuff

UBIQ Gallery

10th & Market Street

Lower Level Gallery 2

Philadelphia, PA 19106

(215) 238-8005


608 South 5th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19147

(215) 627-3001

* honestly, no offense, but dont go in unless you have $150 cash minimum


610 South 3rd Street

Philadelphia PA 19147

(215) 922-3177

*kerry getz


1001 Market St

Philadelphia, PA 19107

(215) 627-4590

1018 Market St

Philadelphia, PA 19107

(215) 923-5680

*cant be overlooked

call and ask

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sorry, there's nothing around the airport that i know of, it's pretty out of the way.

the best cheesesteak spot imo is Larry's in Overbrook--- near St. Joe's Univ

Fuck a Geno's

toma açaí

Edited by azad on Feb 22, 2006 at 10:29 PM

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Russell covered some of the places I was going to mention. I've heard good things about afficial, is it a good spot?

Forgive my suburban bias.

Matthew Izzo (http://www.matthewizzo.com/catalog/); haven't been but they carry stuff I have never seen elsewhere in philly. Nudie RR for $10 cheaper than everywhere else.

Timezone on South St had Fred Perry, Merc, white and co. kicks and stuff maybe 5 years ago, before that stuff was commonplace. They have some vintage as well, but it's overpriced.

I used to get crazy colorway sauconys and NBs from Olympia Sports.

Boyds for natty dress clothes (http://www.boydsphila.com/index.asp).

For music, South St. has Repo and Spaceboy records, both great. Repo's location in Bryn Mawr is also cool. Zipperhead was the place to get punk tshirts back in the day, dunno if it's cool anymore. Sean Agnew runs one of the finest music promo operations in the country (r5productions.com) if you like indie/some underground hip hop/occasional hardcore.

Cool Runnings (was in Ardmore, now in Bryn Mawr I think) was the skate shop I used to get stussy gear at in 1993, but I dunno if they carry anything good anymore. If you go out to West Chester, Fairmans was also a good skate shop in the 90s.

King of Prussia, of course, has some cool stuff; the nieman marcus and bloomingdales carry quality goods. And Urban Outfitters/Anthropologie is hq'd in philly, not that I'd advise you to shop there.

Mitchell and Ness is also hq'd in philly; I think they have a store there. I'm always tempted to buy a schmidt or mcgraw jersey.

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not sure where you are at, but...


1509 Walnut Street

Philadelphia PA 19103

(215) 988-0194

* hands down, good stuff

UBIQ Gallery

10th & Market Street

Lower Level Gallery 2

Philadelphia, PA 19106

(215) 238-8005


608 South 5th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19147

(215) 627-3001

* honestly, no offense, but dont go in unless you have $150 cash minimum


610 South 3rd Street

Philadelphia PA 19147

(215) 922-3177

*kerry getz


1001 Market St

Philadelphia, PA 19107

(215) 627-4590

1018 Market St

Philadelphia, PA 19107

(215) 923-5680

*cant be overlooked

call and ask

--- Original message by russellh on Feb 22, 2006 07:28 PM

ubiq is selling off all their clothes and turning into strictly sneakers....

adidas sample stuff on the bay now.



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