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whats up with ludwig reiter

Guest jmatsu

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Guest jmatsu

i saw some old helmut lang sneakers on ebay and they reminded me of ludwig reiter sneakers. infact alot of sufu beloved labels/designer emulated some of their older shoes in the past.

some of us remember when this shit was moving in japland, before it got stuck in establishments like donki,mitsukoshi and abcs. when important people/stylists were endorsing it and when they had spreads in influential mags. when they weren't considered every man's footwear.

hadn't thought of ludwig reiter in about 10 years.

anyway i checked out the site, and shit has changed somewhat. just wondering if anyone knows what's up with this shit lately? were they able to transcend the old hype and unfashionable connotations of past?

are they cool in other countries?


thought the f/w was okay. they ain't trying to be fashunz no more...

here's a couple renewed "blasts from the past" and other shit i've never seen (or paid attention to):







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i think the helmut shoes are made by ludwig reiter. and apparently, andreas and kostas murkudis has done a range with ludwig reiter now.

Will you have another kind of “cross-over“ with the other fashion designers?

Currently we have collaborations with Baldessarini and Michael Michalsky, but we are also often working with young designers who are not famous yet. We see this as an obligation to pass on tradition to the future.

they look decent as sneakers i guess. takes on that entire mm/dh german army trainers vibe.

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